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I wanted to share something that came through while I was meditating a few years ago that actually has brought me peace about  about peace it's self. 

While I was meditating and going through a lot I had a realization that came through the heart..."I'll never have peace in my life until the last person standing has it."

which makes a lot of sense. I see people putting themselves through hell trying to attain a state of "peace" or avoiding certain situations or people that may rock it. Now I am a lot more weary and less likely to get sold on any kind of a illusion on peace.  If there is a need to walk on eggshells to keep peace then it  is not real peace at all. You can only do so much with your own life to maximize Peace on the planet. If someone is off it throws the rest of us off. eventually there is nothing special you can do to find against that truth, no book, or amount of meditation, class, yoga, food or anything special etc. (P.S doesn't mean you should do any of that stuff)   Hopefully as a help to other people.... before you put to much pressure on yourself in your journey to act and think in a certain way especially "attain" some kind of peace or have been for a long time... just look out your window and look down street and realize all your neighbors and multiply that to all over the world that do not have peace in their lives that may also be effecting yours. You start realizing the commitment is also a lot grander then just personal transformation.



Edited by gmc24

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setting a new intention to be out in nature for at least 2 hours a day or a lot more then I currently am.  Im low on funds it would be a lot easier/funner if i had the money to travel to new destinations or pick up on a sport.  

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