
Is Mindful Observation All It Takes For More Awareness?

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So I understand that self-observation is the key to more awareness, through meditation and mindfulness for example

I wanted to know, is it just pure observing you have to do without perception/analysing anything, because I get this feeling that if I only observe without thinking I might not notice or pick anything up and that I have to pick stuff apart that I observe to see more. 

When I simply observe I just know that I'm oblivious to everything so I feel like I'm just taking the observation in based on all the premises I've already got so ingrained in my mind. Then I think I'm not going anywhere. But I know I'm not thinking long-term enough.

I know thinking just gets in the way, and is not the path to awareness so involving it will slow me down. So, simply exercising the muscle of observation without involvement, will just that help me over time with persistence pick up all the subtleties I'm unaware of about myself? Will it happen in a way where subconsciously I might pick up stuff and over time all of it will start coming to the forefront of my mind? Should I give it plenty of time before I'll notice anything? 

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Have you ever done self enquiry, Saarah? 

Edited by vizual

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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@vizual The tiniest eensiest bit, I'm trying to hold down the basic habit of meditation first, gotta start with the basics! But what I'm trying to do is to start being more mindful and observant to cultivate over time a better grasp of the illusory nature of me to witness all my lies and nature, at some point self-inquiry will begin but that time is not now, being more aware has just been something I've been thinking about lately cos I feel so blind and ignorant when I think about times where I've been so engrossed in everyday life, over the past few weeks my schedule has been whittled down, and now I'm faced with less moving and more stopping to notice 

What are your thoughts about this? 

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What are you trying to pick up from thinking while meditating? There literally is nothing to pick up. I like picking up things as well. I like to be elaborate about what is going on in my meditation and where it's going and have all this drama. Honestly I think if you do it long enough you'll start losing interest in thinking about it but that might be a long route. Just be aware of it of that thinking? What were you expecting? I think you knew that already. The decision was in front of you.

I think you're right about awareness being able to notice more subtleties just by the virtue of getting back to it.

Awareness is not volitional. I have no idea what to do with that fact though. All this talking goes out of the window when that is brought up.

Edited by Phrae

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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@Phrae i'm ok when it comes to meditation I can just sit there and not get involved with my thoughts

It's just the act of mindfulness of my actions throughout the day, like trying to be mindful of any feeling that arises or watching what i'm going through when i'm interacting with others or doing any activities, people say to be mindful and just watch, and if you do that you can get a better understanding of yourself, but I have the feeling that if I just leave it to observing/mindfulness will I even understand anything without picking it apart?

I only know about the types of things that come from the ego by watching Actualized videos and exposing myself to material about it, but supposing I had no idea about this stuff, and only implemented mindfulness, would I have picked up these things about the ego eventually?

But I know what you mean about awareness not being volitional, that's the difficult thing to grasp practically!

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@Saarah In this life you will always have emotions, thoughts and a body.  When you identify with those things you become the effect of them... That is where consciousness comes in. The idea is not to suppress thinking but to observe them. You don't really have "control" of them anyway.

Thoughts are important to understand and to differentiate and evaluate, emotions are to procure pleasure and avoid pain, the body is meant to cause movement. They all have their place in your existence observation just helps you know what that is.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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@Ajax thanks! I rewatched the video about step by step process to enlightenment, even though the intention of my question wasn't about achieving that, I realised the same principles apply with being mindful in everyday life, so it makes sense to me now what you say, particularly about becoming the effect of them and using consciousness 

I also understand why now why you mentioned enlightenment @vizual

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