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Forgiving And Letting Go

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Forgiving and let go of what happened in past and who did to you ,can be the best reward and reason for one's peace , without expecting any change in behavior in future, and once it is done, practising present moment  (NOW ) become easier ,specially when one find some one attached to that idea , and keep reminding one self ,you are above all this , finally get a peace of mind and Importance is to maintain the same integrity and nobility everytime you come across the similar situation ,complete healing and open your self, do not close otherwise it will be harder to let go 

Discussion is welcome , 

truth is i wrote this for myself 

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2 hours ago, 99th_monkey said:

That was intensely helpful at the moment @Natasha  

I periodically rewatch this piece to remind myself not to get frustrated with people around me. The funny thing is that family is the people who get to me most, my mom especially who still tries to parent and compete with me. So I have to keep things in perspective in order to maintain relationship with her. Like Ram Dass  said, If you want to see how enlightened you are, go spend a week with your family. 2-3 days at a time usually works for me :D

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