Milos Uzelac

Will the U. S. Economy go through a Great Depression-like 2.0 crash in the 2020s?

1 post in this topic

I pondered of asking this since It is information I by primarily consuming content from YT clips (not articles and direct economic data) and excerpts from the book America Farewell Tour Chris Hedges and  Democracy at Work YT channel founder and Marxian economist Richard Wolff (and he said that there is also a consensus about the the potential direness of this particular upcoming crash among other of his economic colleagues who are not Marxists) who predict based on economic data comparison of huge debt and its constant increase, record low interest rates (going in the negative), ostensive fear in big investment by a lot of corporations, almost non existing savings by the lower classes and stimulating unlimited spending by them to keep the economy afloat, depravity of the real economy at home, potential of dollar not being the reserve currency anymore etc. (I am not educated enough in economics so I am listing the reasons that I memorized in the clips but I am motivated because of this now to start learning the basics in this year). By citing this data they say, since there are approx economic recessions every 4 or 7 years of a boom bust capitalist economy, that since this one is long overdue since the 2008 financial crash it will be particularly severe and may have the likes of the 1929's Great Depression in some of it consequences and scale.

I would greatly appreciate if people who follow the economic trends in the U.S. have time to enlighten me and share their thoughts and info on this and also I would really like to hear other people like me who think how are mildly informed like me and wonder what will be the scale of this crash and the potential consequences for the this integrated (heavily reliant on U.S. economy I think) world economy at large?

Thanks in advance for setting and having the time to read and respond.

Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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