Losing Virginity To A Hooker/escort

By dboyle in Dating, Sexuality, Relationships, Family,
What are people's opinion on this? I am currently a 21 year old male, who has never ever even kissed a girl let alone became close enough to actually have sex with one.   At this point, all I want to do is just lose my virginity to someone, as I don't think I am quite ready for a girlfriend yet as I am currently just trying to focus on myself and my own life and goals.  But I would like to experience what sex is like, and can't see myself having sex with a girl I know (as I don't know any girls that would ever have sex with me), and I don't have the skills currently to go out and pickup girls. So yeah... do you think I should go through with it and just get an escort for the night and fulfil this part of me?
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