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Waking up from the dream. I want to share good energy with you guys.

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Waking up to your true nature Is literally as waking up from the dream (of life)

I'm speechless. Body trembling in some moments, not of fear but just of pure energy and clarity that breaks me (in a good way) apart.

I still believe I'm a separate self. But this phrase don't even make sense because I totally accept the ego.

There is I Am here which is deconstructing the dream but I am negotiating with it. It can't be. It's impossible. What I called reality was just a dream? How could it be so good?

How could it be that I'm actually FREE.

My true nature IS FREEDOM HAHAHA. I wasn't anything that I feared! There wasn't anything to be afraid ! Ever !

There's really no much fear or attachment to lose this "clarity" or to lose this realization of "Truth", because I don't think I have a saying in this. Respect truth. Respect I Amness because it has shown me a beautiful light. It has lighten me to me not been anybody and to not fear anything more of this dream! 

Everything is new, and at the same time I know tomorrow I'll wake up and go to work. Well at least I hope to, I don't think this will get more intense thought, I'm slowly regaining back my beliefs, there's No rush and I feel this is too intense by this moment so I'll relax and be whatever will be. But at the same time total awe by been blessed by the Truth.

☮️ Peace and thanks everyone who has guided me in my posts/questions. I wish I could hug you thank you personally each one of you that has given me advice, understanding, and love. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 god bless you champ!

say hello to conscious creation! 

gentle reminder, if you hear echos of doubt/fear - instantly realize that is just that... an echo. not a live conscious thought you're creating! you don't create fear/doubt - you only create love, power, bliss and joy! 

congrats on getting your driver's licence to life! 

Edited by SoonHei

Love Is The Answer

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@Javfly33 Sounds like some nice expansion/depth through direct experience. A good example to us all. Nice work. 

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19 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Waking up to your true nature Is literally as waking up from the dream (of life)

I'm speechless. Body trembling in some moments, not of fear but just of pure energy and clarity that breaks me (in a good way) apart.

I still believe I'm a separate self. But this phrase don't even make sense because I totally accept the ego.

There is I Am here which is deconstructing the dream but I am negotiating with it. It can't be. It's impossible. What I called reality was just a dream? How could it be so good?

How could it be that I'm actually FREE.

My true nature IS FREEDOM HAHAHA. I wasn't anything that I feared! There wasn't anything to be afraid ! Ever !

There's really no much fear or attachment to lose this "clarity" or to lose this realization of "Truth", because I don't think I have a saying in this. Respect truth. Respect I Amness because it has shown me a beautiful light. It has lighten me to me not been anybody and to not fear anything more of this dream! 

Everything is new, and at the same time I know tomorrow I'll wake up and go to work. Well at least I hope to, I don't think this will get more intense thought, I'm slowly regaining back my beliefs, there's No rush and I feel this is too intense by this moment so I'll relax and be whatever will be. But at the same time total awe by been blessed by the Truth.

☮️ Peace and thanks everyone who has guided me in my posts/questions. I wish I could hug you thank you personally each one of you that has given me advice, understanding, and love. 

it is a miracle.  So wonderful to hear the news.   That makes everything we do here worthwhile.  To hear this from even one person is beautiful.

Oh and by the way - how crazy is it that you imagined Einstein? The greatest scientist of all time?


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Javfly33 Sounds like some nice expansion/depth through direct experience. A good example to us all. Nice work. 

@Serotoninluv You damn right ;) . Although don´t thank me, thank Life who was the one who realized itself, I had little to do with it... xD You are as responsible as I was for this :x

2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

it is a miracle.  So wonderful to hear the news.   That makes everything we do here worthwhile.  To hear this from even one person is beautiful.

Oh and by the way - how crazy is it that you imagined Einstein? The greatest scientist of all time?

Hehehe, my imagination is truly amazing xD  :x

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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18 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Serotoninluv You damn right ;) . Although don´t thank me, thank Life who was the one who realized itself, I had little to do with it... xD You are as responsible as I was for this :x

We are all interconnected :x

The dissolution of "internal" and "external" is super cool. 

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