
Life-Changing Revision Technique

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I got this from reading Neville Goddard's book "Awakened Imagination". For more information, read that book, it's worth your time. 

This is inspiring, wonderful technique which I want to share with you. It has potential to change your life for better.

Here is this simple technique:

  • At the end of each day, REVISE your day.

Revise means: Visualise, everything going as you wanted to go. 

Easy example, which will help you understand this:

You fought with your significant other, middle of the day. At the end of that day, REVISE that day by visualising yourself, having good, loving, warm conversation with your significant other. Visualise everything going well, and most important FEEL everything going perfect. 

(Feeling is the key because you become conscious of everything going well by feeling it. Consciousness is the substance of all reality. Consciousness is only reality. And "external world" is just reflection of your own state of consciousness)

This is very counter-intuitive. Instead of what 99.9% of people do: Dwelling on things going wrong. You can revise your day, and visualise everything going well...

This is called art of forgiveness in Bible. Neville Goddard explains this, very well with great example!

I hope this helps! Amazing technique. Very valuable. Counter-intuitive. It works! 

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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I actually tried something same as this technique and got result. So few years back a girl breaked up with me. I was sad and i wanted to get her back i did many techniques nothing worked and i let her go and a year later i read about this and tried it. I sat in my meditation cushion and went to past and relived the breakup incident but this time i changed the whole scenario i imagined myself dumping her telling she is a block for my growth and she crying. Actually it felt good. Long story short  2 days later this girl started messaging me out of blue and was sad about our breakup and all. It made me realize you can make ur own past.

I also think people here doesnt know much or read about neville goodard. He is real gem. People here are more into intellectually stimulating stuff and doesn't properly understand loa or these kind of esoteric teachings that gives result that shifts once perception of reality.

Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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15 minutes ago, Harikrishnan said:

I actually tried something same as this technique and got result. So few years back a girl breaked up with me. I was sad and i wanted to get her back i did many techniques nothing worked and i let her go and a year later i read about this and tried it. I sat in my meditation cushion and went to past and relived the breakup incident but this time i changed the whole scenario i imagined myself dumping her telling she is a block for my growth and she crying. Actually it felt good. Long story short  2 days later this girl started messaging me out of blue and was sad about our breakup and all. It made me realize you can make ur own past.

I also think people here doesnt know much or read about neville goodard. He is real gem. People here are more into intellectually stimulating stuff and doesn't properly understand loa or these kind of esoteric teachings that gives result that shifts once perception of reality.

What an inspring story. Thanks for sharing!

In my opinion, it's important to learn law of attraction but RIGHT way. Most people teach it, in very orange way, explaining things materially. That should not be the case.

We need to transcend LoA to Understanding Consciousness. Understanding that, it's all consciousness. When we do that, we transcend materialism, and that's the key! 

I love Neville Goddard's teachings because he doesn't explain everything materially, like most LoA teachers do. 

Most LoA teachers teach to attract something from here to there. Which explains, they have 0 understanding of consciousness. They unconsciously, emphasize lack...

Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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