
It's so easy when you have drugs isn't it?

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3 minutes ago, purerogue said:


Your experience is still based in mind ,


Sounds like you were there in my experience since you are so sure, but i don't recall seeing you there ?



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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3 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Sounds like you were there in my experience since you are so sure, but i don't recall seeing you there ?


What is your point? :D 

Maybe problem is with what we both  define as mind. 


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"It's so easy when you have drugs isn't it?". 

This is relative to what "it" is and the person. Ime, I can create many "Its". For example, psychedelics have taken me to hyper creative places of genius-level integration. It's so high up, I can only capture a small percentage of the integrated expansiveness. It is easier for me to reach this "It" with psychedelics? You bethca. . . I have many other "ITs". Another "it" for me are places of hyper-sensitivity to reality, things like hyper-empathy in which there is Oneness and essential communication to all beings - both physcial and nonphysical. Is it easier to access this "It" with psychedelics? Absolutely. . . There have been times I've tripped in nature in which I am the creator of nature and can move energy. . . Then I would go out in nature sober and it's boring af. It's like going from 5D brilliant color to suck ass 3D black and white. . . What can develop is a pattern of seeking a "place" that is not Here and Now. . . It's not the "places", it is the seeking and desire for those "places". . . In a sense, this can be motivating. For example, when higher states of consciousness were revealed, you bet I had desire to re-visit those places of magnificence. In the context of motivation to practice this can be great. For example, if human abilities are revealed through psychedelics, there can be motivation to develop those abilities. Yet, there can also be a dependency dynamic as well. At the human level of personal development, I've found it helpful to use psychedelics as a tool - yet to work toward integration and embodiment so that I am no longer dependent psychedelics for this aspect. It takes work and practice. . . . One thing I've found helpful to ween myself off of the extraordinary power of psychedelics is to use smaller doses and see if I can access "it" with just a little boost. . . Or I will try to access through other avenues, such as a small dose of edible cannibis, shamanic breathing, lucid dreaming. As my baseline conscious level increased, I was able to access "it" places through alternative means. 

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