
It's so easy when you have drugs isn't it?

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@wagnereater Normal people are unhappy and do not feel as good as they could with proper practices.

Stop being normal. Start cultivating the not so normal side of you. Find people who aren't normal.

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1 hour ago, purerogue said:

Well, maybe, but I would not call it like that , I got to such state only once and it was far beyond anything you will hear, it was sober, no regular mediation,I integrated my practices in daily life and  pushed myself to states beyond being merged with everything as so forth.

What I got to was like rather indescribable, not like I remember much, as I decided to run away from it when left with choice to go full in or out, forget or go beyond, all I know is that I got information about everything  that was so far out of our logic that I would not even be able to translate it even if I tried.

You can not even imagine such stuff,  vortex was finally ready to close , but consequences seemed more dire then never before. 

Had nothing to do with love! :D 

It sure would seem so, to the mind! And when I say the mind, I mean the attachment to knowledge (the stories we love) and the fear of the unfamiliar or the unknown. The mind which always creates explanations for everything, including this unexplainable and mystical miracle, you know, to make it feel like home. They're all just stories in the end, including that indescribable thingy you've experienced. Perhaps, if you stayed there a little bit more, you would have become familiar with it and started creating stories about it. Consider the many stories we, humans, have created so far about this mystical thing we live in. I'm pretty sure it felt quite far from logic at first, but then the mind (story-teller) was born and demystified it. The mind needs to demystify everything because mystery is scary! And because Love is insane!

You simply are not going to know. But see, the mind won't accept that, and will keep trying to know, until it surrenders of course. Or, maybe that's just what my story says. Who actually knows?! I don't know! ?

26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If it's so easy, why make it hard?

Might the ego be attached to the hard way? What might the ego gain from such an attachment?

Said the drug-dealer ?

Edited by Lento

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10 minutes ago, Lento said:

It sure would seem so, to the mind! And when I say the mind, I mean the attachment to knowledge (the stories we love) and the fear of the unfamiliar or the unknown. The mind which always creates explanations for everything, including this unexplainable and mystical miracle, you know, to make it feel like home. They're all just stories in the end, including that indescribable thingy you've experienced. Perhaps, if you stayed there a little bit more, you would have become familiar with it and started creating stories about it. Consider the many stories Leo's created so far about death, God, and "The Absolute Truth". Consider the many stories we, humans, have created so far about this mystical thing we live in. I'm pretty sure it felt quite far from logic at first, but then the mind (story-teller) was born and demystified it. The mind needs to demystify everything because mystery is scary! And because Love is insane!

You simply are not going to know. But see, the mind won't accept that, and will keep trying to know, until it surrenders of course. Or, maybe that's just what my story says. Who actually knows?! I don't know! ?

Said the drug-dealer ?

I am sorry to disappoint you, but highest states I have got to had nothing to do with love, if anything love is human mind thing and it is not like I do not want for love to be answer, it has very strong healing capabilities, it can come in contact of prats of you that very few other feelings can, but neither state I said before, or state where you get pulled out of your experience and get to see every moment and  time collapse had anything to do with love.

And I am certain they are deeper then any love , emotion delusion states have got me to.  

Edited by purerogue

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2 hours ago, purerogue said:

Me personally, I would not exist.


@purerogue But there it would be something there? Imagining not existing right now. Realize that for you to imagine not existing, you have to now be here.

Try to imagine a place that is not here. Even if you think of a very apparent smart answer, the thinking will happen Here. The feeling will happen Here. Everything happens Here. Where other place it could happen?

Where would you go rather than Here?


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

@purerogue But there it would be something there? Imagining not existing right now. Realize that for you to imagine not existing, you have to now be here.

Try to imagine a place that is not here. Even if you think of a very apparent smart answer, the thinking will happen Here. The feeling will happen Here. Everything happens Here. Where other place it could happen?

Where would you go rather than Here?


I mean this place would not exists, others would, it is not even illogical, this experience is nothing more then happening anyway . 

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23 minutes ago, purerogue said:

I am sorry to disappoint you, but highest states I have got to had nothing to do with love, if anything love is human mind thing and it is not like I do not want for love to be answer, it has very strong healing capabilities, it can come in contact of prats of you that very few other feelings can, but neither state I said before, or state where you get pulled out of your experience and get to see every moment and  time collapse had anything to do with love.

And I am certain they are deeper then any love , emotion delusion states have got me to.  

I am really sorry to hear that. But I also am sorry to disappoint you. If anything, you (the mind) haven't died yet. I don't think the experience itself or its depth make any difference. I personally haven't had profound mystical experiences where weird things happen almost at all, but I have died many times. And death here means the loss of identification. It's a state of complete surrendering (by choice), and sometimes of complete submission (forced surrendering) to reality. When I first died, I didn't even know it. That's why it was pure death, because I wasn't there. And most certainly, death feels like Love, and it is like Truth. Actually, there's no better way to describe death than Love/Truth. They're all identical, but certainly not for the mind. (I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or offend you or anything like that).

The point is that perhaps 'you' have experienced some higher states, but perhaps the problem is that 'you' were there while 'you' shouldn't have been. It's very tricky, because one the one hand you should seek death but if you seek it you won't find it, and on the other hand you should stop seeking it for it to come to you because it's seeking you. It's really really tricky, because it is difficult to predict how your mind will react to any given pointer.

If I were you, I would focus more on contemplation instead of meditation. It seems to me like there may be some misunderstandings about some fundamental issues, and that in my experience can only be fixed through contemplation. I'm sure you're very experienced and I'm probably preaching to the choir, but there's nothing I could offer you besides that in order for you to verify my claims. My main claim is that you have experienced love, but you may have a different definition of love, that's why you didn't see it. And actually, people do that all the time, Love is present right here and right now, no matter what. That's what contemplation revealed to 'me' when I wasn't there.

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It only takes an altered state of consciousness to open yourself up to all the possibilities 

Get tipsy with alcohol and listen to Heilung - Lifa and tell me if you need drugs to feel deep vibrations inside you.

Edit: and yes, i know alcohol is a drug, but at least its more accessible. It sucks that for many of us its freaking hard to find shrooms or lsd

Edited by Mafortu

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3 hours ago, Mafortu said:

It only takes an altered state of consciousness to open yourself up to all the possibilities 

Get tipsy with alcohol and listen to Heilung - Lifa and tell me if you need drugs to feel deep vibrations inside you.

Edit: and yes, i know alcohol is a drug, but at least its more accessible. It sucks that for many of us its freaking hard to find shrooms or lsd

While being drunk I agree has its own kind of "spiritual nature" in a very different kind of way, its still something you want to avoid as its quite literally poisoning your body and results in so many negatives for your hormones, sleep, organ, brain function, ect. I think most of us have been through a phase of low consciousness and finding ourselves drunk and taking awe in the feeling, but once you wake up to what you are doing to yourself its just not wise to ever go back there, speaking from my experience. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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From the fact that they do IME. If I smoke weed I become yellow, and I can get along with everyone like a spiral wizard. If I don't I become green/orange and start arguing (and hating on) with everyone (specially stage blue people) about how wrong they are and how right I am.

If I take psychedelics i become turquoise and everything is perfect, I know the meaning of life and I am the master of the universe.



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10 hours ago, Lento said:

I am really sorry to hear that. But I also am sorry to disappoint you. If anything, you (the mind) haven't died yet. I don't think the experience itself or its depth make any difference. I personally haven't had profound mystical experiences where weird things happen almost at all, but I have died many times. And death here means the loss of identification. It's a state of complete surrendering (by choice), and sometimes of complete submission (forced surrendering) to reality. When I first died, I didn't even know it. That's why it was pure death, because I wasn't there. And most certainly, death feels like Love, and it is like Truth. Actually, there's no better way to describe death than Love/Truth. They're all identical, but certainly not for the mind. (I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or offend you or anything like that).

The point is that perhaps 'you' have experienced some higher states, but perhaps the problem is that 'you' were there while 'you' shouldn't have been. It's very tricky, because one the one hand you should seek death but if you seek it you won't find it, and on the other hand you should stop seeking it for it to come to you because it's seeking you. It's really really tricky, because it is difficult to predict how your mind will react to any given pointer.

If I were you, I would focus more on contemplation instead of meditation. It seems to me like there may be some misunderstandings about some fundamental issues, and that in my experience can only be fixed through contemplation. I'm sure you're very experienced and I'm probably preaching to the choir, but there's nothing I could offer you besides that in order for you to verify my claims. My main claim is that you have experienced love, but you may have a different definition of love, that's why you didn't see it. And actually, people do that all the time, Love is present right here and right now, no matter what. That's what contemplation revealed to 'me' when I wasn't there.

Your whole experience is based on mind you silly man.

Read forum, you will find plenty people describing "ego death" without any love.



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@0ne I'm doing spiritual work right now at work while drinking tea and eating breakfast. Maybe it doesn't have to be hard? :)

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1 hour ago, purerogue said:


Read forum, you will find plenty people describing "ego death" without any love.



And there are many who have.  It's just not a facet you have become conscious of yet.  Love is synonymous with the Absolute.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Inliytened1 Well said as per. Awakening to love is a beautiful experience, and yet love can be ever deepened.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@0ne It's just consciousness evolution, it grows as you age naturally. That's why we do yoga or meditation to speed things up. You just want to do it in a year which is a pipe dream. Also if you don't enjoy all of this maybe the spiritual path is not for you. Contemplate it deeply.


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2 hours ago, purerogue said:

Your whole experience is based on mind you silly man.

Of course. The mind is God! What else would it be?! That's the key point. You keep demonising the devil until you realise that there is no devil to begin with, and that it's nothing other than God. God and the devil must become one for you, or else you're still alive, living in the realm of duality.

Don't mind the mind, my friend ?

2 hours ago, purerogue said:

Read forum, you will find plenty people describing "ego death" without any love.

I know that. And I know that even enlightened masters like Ralston don't agree with me about love. I'm not telling you to believe me. I'm just inviting you to contemplate the most fundamental aspect of reality. If being is not love, then what else is it?

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2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

And there are many who have.  It's just not a facet you have become conscious of yet.  Love is synonymous with the Absolute.


Idk where you got idea that I have not experienced it, difference is that I do not mix things that I want to be true , with things that are,  none of my experiences have said anything about love being  answer, or center of everything, it is you who decided that it is. 


Edited by purerogue

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1 hour ago, purerogue said:

Idk where you got idea that I have not experienced it, difference is that I do not mix things that I want to be true , with things that are,  none of my experiences have said anything about love being  answer, or center of everything, it is you who decided that it is. 


Gotchya :)?   but you were also saying it wasn't and stating it as an absolute.  Yes you experienced it - as it is the fabric.  I am sure your experiences were pure bliss.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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how they can be easy ?
if they are not even available for average Joe

it's not like you're going to the store and buy a painkillers, at least in place where I came from

Edited by OmniYoga

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14 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Gotchya :)?   but you were also saying it wasn't and stating it as an absolute.  Yes you experienced it - as it is the fabric.  I am sure your experiences were pure bliss.

I said states that I consider highest had nothing to do with it,not that some other did not have it.

Your experience is still based in mind ,  you can get in states of mind where fear, meaninglessness no hope  will be fabric of space and existence, it will be more real then ever, but it is just mind . 


Edited by purerogue

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