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Leo, God says that everything is relative and yet God also says that God wont go down

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Leo, God says that everything is relative and yet God also says that God won't go down and be mucking around in the mud with unenlightened people and their friends. 

But if everything is relative, and as God said the difference between a unicorn and a cheeseburger is relative, then why God has no will of going down to the mud with unenlightened people and their friends and God wants them to go up to God?

If everything is relative God should not have problem of expecting people to be there in the mud with them mocking around, however, it is, of course, true if everything is relative.

If God says don't expect me to be there with you in the mud all the time then everything is not relative. And God makes a distinction between up and down, mud and something being better than being in the mud. 


 I'm sincerely and humbly here to learn what truth is, however, because I respect truth, I have to ask this question because for now, it seems that it is inconsistent.




Edited by WHO IS

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