
Stay Or Leave

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i want to leave this forum ,to build my inner guidance system, I am getting afraid to get attached with help I am getting here ,and i am afraid, if i leave this forum ,and will i be able to get peace of mind ,i am striving for 
I need suggestion whether to leave or to stay 
I have decided my Goals
healing completely
stay in peace 
stay learner 

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i felt , i am getting addiction ,that might work against what i am doing , for myself , But I also felt , I have not developed completely , and i need to learn some lessons to work as independent individual ( this two things simultaneously are fighting ) 

or may be the amount of peace i have felt , i am not used to it , so my brain is resisting 

Edited by jes

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Thats ok if you are in a phase of intense search for answers and absorbing new concepts that sudenlly are blowing your mind.. And you want more and more.. You get all this ideas bubbling in your mind..!  quite normal really!

Do what you think that makes you feel better or relieved. Perhaps having a break of searching will be a good thing.  

Notice really careful your thought process to realize that. And question, is this forum really helping you? Are you learning and feeling better about yourself? Are you able to put this learning in your daily life? If not why? What is the root of this fear?

Edited by Raquel

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If you suspect there is a possibility there may be a little dependency and you see this happening in real time before it's too late, that's a good start!  Maybe the answer is to develop some kind of moderation between hanging out here, practice and life?:)

Edited by Mal

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Maybe you're addicted for help because you're using it as a distraction from doing the important stuff, the mind likes distractions to avoid being more aware 

 You could leave, but make sure you don't run to another distraction like this, being off the forum will not stop you from distracting yourself in the millions of other ways that it's possible 



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This can be supplementation. You do this forum to get refinements. You can use it to get help, but that's for launching a trajectory.

Are you doing something that you can describe as launching? What is this vague stuff...? Stay learner? Stay in peace? 

It doesn't make sense at all that it came to this line of thinking. Quit this forum? Did the question of changing your attitude ever occur to you? What is going wrong? Can you write these goals as clear as you possibly can? Can you write a whole page for each? Why do you think it's bad to get help? There is a difference between help and being there to on somebody. If I'm learning to balance my legs for the first time I need somebody to guide me along the way. His guidance is a mean to my independence. Guidance can be guidance to guiding yourself.

GET CLEAR. That's all you need to do. The right decision will reveal itself.

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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22 hours ago, Saarah said:

Maybe you're addicted for help because you're using it as a distraction from doing the important stuff, the mind likes distractions to avoid being more aware 

 You could leave, but make sure you don't run to another distraction like this, being off the forum will not stop you from distracting yourself in the millions of other ways that it's possible 



Well this seems like something I can relate to

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