By Javfly33
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Hi there, so, I took a recreational subtance with psychedelic properties about 2 hours ago, I wasn´t looking to have any kind of "spiritual" experience right now
My psychedelic experience is very limited so when I do substances that has this kind of properties I am careful with the dose, the following caught me absolutely by surprise:
So, the thing is, for some reason I stopped having thoughs at all, and next thing I know, I am perceiving a body breathing to save itself of non-existence. I literally had no fucking ground of reality to ground myself to. I started thinking about this Forum / Leo and I realized I couldn´t ground myself to it either. Just nothing made sense, total annihilation of any kind reality. Incredible fear and absolute terror of what was happening (literally each second was being "created" so I couldn´t ground myself in ANYTHING).
Nothing nothing comparable to anything i´ve experienced in other spiritual practice (or sober insight). Not because this was "better", but because this was of a level of intensity that I didn´t know it was possible.
Is this ego-death withouth the death? In some sense I´m still terrified that this is possible at the other hand I´m in awe in how this is possible.
I mean, if i had let go could have been actually a blissful experience?
I think if I had let go I could have learned something. In the present moment at the end of the peak "insanity", it looks like in the present moment there wasn´t that existencial fear and everything was Ok.
It makes me think what I experienced is ego struggling.
I am humble and I´m terrified but at the same time I don´t feel bad thought, I wouldn´t call it a "bad experience". Just the most intense moment of my life.
Well, thanks for reading. I´m completely speechless right now . Also, I love you all