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Parmenides: "whatever is is, and what is not cannot be"

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Being and not-being is obviously a duality. The most important epiphany that I had on my first insane LSD trip is that "I am" and therefore cannot not be. After this realization I became every "pixel" on my visual field, I became the whole of the present moment. I realized that life and death are just concepts and that everyday life is what it feels like to be "dead". That I, as Reality, exist is a fact, in other words, that Truth/God exists is a fact, but it sounds logically wrong because it is a duality. Does God consciousness transcends all dualities, even being and not-being? This question reminds me of the zen story in which monks were asked to express the Truth and the monk that won the contest just remained silent. I would appreciate your take on this @Leo Gura  

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Being/Isness/I Amness/Truth is an absolute which has no opposite.

There is no such thing as non-being or falsehood.

Which is what makes immortality possible.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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