
Rightwing commentator Katie Hopkins flies to Prague to receive a fake award

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A YouTuber called Josh Pieters tricked the rightwing commentator from the UK Katie Hopkins to fly to Prague to receive a fake award. She received the C.U.N.T. award, Campaing to Unify the Nation Trophy, for her contribution to freedom of speech. :D:D

She has made a name of herself being politically incorrect against muslims, feminists and obese people, this last I find specially disgusting. Her case is that she has the freedom of speech to do so. Well, maybe she has, but she forgot the other side of the coin, sometimes what you give, you can get back. Karma sometimes comes from other people, who said that it had to be something like a random incident. I think the guy went quite far to give her a lesson and she is not going to change or anything, but whatever. He has not harmed her, has given her a paid vacation, a nice meal and a little platform to spread her speech freely. What a speech, by the way.

I wasn't sure about posting this in conscious politics, but I think it can be labeled as actuality or culture wars... There is the debate about the freedom of speech too, she has very recently been banned from Twitter for hate speech. But, you know, Twitter is a private company with their private rules... Does she want the government to intervine? Isn't that comunism or something like that? I leave that thought there.

I gotta admit the devil in me enjoyed this, what can I say...

Edited by Hatfort

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Devils trolling devils.

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@Hatfort I watched this last night. Her speech at the end is absurdly offensive and racist. Quite bizarre really. It's almost like she's just trolling everyone, but really she's being deadly serious.

Edited by Space

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