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I Do Not Formally Meditate. Yet..

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This caught my attention. 

I consider my human identity, me ^_^, invested in self actualization, ego development, transcendence, whatever you wish to label it, yet in the 4 short months I've delved into such profound topics, I've formally meditated (set aside time during the day to sit quietly, comfortably, & implement a technique) approximately 4 times. 

2x Strong Determination sits coupled with Do Nothing. (My mind is also slightly interested, not consumed, that each time I set a timer and decided to come out when ready, both times it was exactly 1:44h :ph34r:)

2x  15 minutes mindfulness sits.

I must admit countless times throughout the day my attention will always land on the phenomenon within my present awareness, I've done the usual rounds of watching countless videos, reading countless books, doing serious contemplation and heeding the words of other men. But watching & analysing direct experience daily, what I'd call informal meditation, have brought me to be what I would consider a major step forward in my development, yet am I missing out on more? 

I follow my intuition, and natural growth occurs, I am not displeased or upset, yet there is a very present emotion of craving growth, most of that passion is fuelled by my ego & it's desires, still I humorously watch the back and forth It plays.

The nature of my question, can I attain more insight with formal meditation? Yes I'm very aware of the known benefits it seems to offer, can you share first hand experience? Also what is the meditation technique you've gained most from? Why? 

Is this something I'm seriously missing out on.

I'll never know firsthand until I try, but I lack the required motivation, so here I am.

Little extra question, I do not consider formal meditation a prerequisite for self actualization, do you?

With warm loving regards


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