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I sit down cross-legged on the ground, I do some (you would think) simple breathing exercises, mainly breath holds, sometimes with the air in my belly, sometimes I push all the air out. I relax into it and my whole body starts doing something... It happens to me more than it is me doing something, but it's like my whole body starts going through a process of "straightening itself" through whatever means necessary, muscles start convulsing and shaking, my spine straightens up like crazy, sometimes the muscles flex insanely hard followed by an intense shake. It even makes me fart for some reason...

It's not a comfortable process, but I feel knots in my muscles simply disappear in a matter of minutes, I feel my "chakras" or whatever you want to call them (mainly the solar plexus and right above the naval) start to open up. I feel this intense aliveness in my body so much so that I start to sweat.

I can choose to do this process, but at the same time, it's something that feels more like that is "happening to me" at the same time, I can't explain it... After just half an hour of this I can write on my keyboard like 3x faster than before this because I had such an intense shake and loosening up in my hands, they were shaking so fast and so loosely I could barely believe it... I would upload a video but I'm only allowed to upload a 4.88MB file.

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When I hold out long enough I start to feel the locations of pinched nerves over my body and my body "just knows" how to make the necessary adjustments to un-pinch them, it's like if I get out of the way enough during these breath holds, an intelligence that's located in my body and not mind takes over, and it does it so much better than if my mind were to do it.

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I decided to switch it up and do some Wim Hof breathing. I've done it in the past, but now it's something entirely different. The amount of energy going through my system is insane, yet I can be completely still, and my breath is so much deeper and smoother. I can feel a massive amount of neurosis leaving my body and mind, I can just be, I don't feel a need to do anything or be anywhere. On top of that, the "external" world has simply gone poof, gone xD It was never there in the first place! It's so obvious that everything "I" see, hear, or feel is all just happening within myself! As "I" "look" at a "chair", "I" just see "myself". All these labels such as "I" "Myself" "Chair" etc seem so silly now because it's just that, labels and concepts! It has all just melded into consciousness... It's like nothing has really changed, but everything changed. Reality just shines in such exquisite beauty... It's magnificent.

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