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Should I Open My Third Eye?

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I like guided meditations as a beginner to meditation, and yesterday I came across and did a third eye opening guided meditation. Didn't feel more than a tingling, but when I checked the comments I was scared as sh**. People talk about seeing entities from other dimensions, visions and stuff. I already experienced having prophetic dreams before, or sometimes my intuition is so strong it scares me. It's been happening since childhood and I always thought it runs in the family, both my father's and mother's sisters have a very strong intuition. I never thought it is about chakras and stuff.

Have you got any experiences related to opening this chakra? Should I go for it or refrain? 

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On June 15, 2016 at 3:59 AM, Pelin said:

I like guided meditations as a beginner to meditation, and yesterday I came across and did a third eye opening guided meditation. Didn't feel more than a tingling, but when I checked the comments I was scared as sh**. People talk about seeing entities from other dimensions, visions and stuff. I already experienced having prophetic dreams before, or sometimes my intuition is so strong it scares me. It's been happening since childhood and I always thought it runs in the family, both my father's and mother's sisters have a very strong intuition. I never thought it is about chakras and stuff.

Have you got any experiences related to opening this chakra? Should I go for it or refrain? 



Some people may say what I experienced is illusionary and woo woo. I choose to believe what I experienced is real. And each person has a right to believe what they choose to and I respect that. ?

A few months ago, I was in a Kundalini yoga meditation class where my yoga instructor performed reiki and used the crystal singing bowls. She was doing a guided meditation for opening your pineal gland/6th chakra/third eye. During this class I saw my third eye for the very first time.  I've seen it on multiple occasions now. During the meditation I could feel my pineal gland palpitating. It's not like I just closed my eyes and I just imagined a giant eyeball.  It really did appear out of no where and I wasn't asleep or dreaming. It was like I closed my eyes and it was right there. Instead of just seeing black, I saw an eye. And to be honest with you it did startle me.

 It was a large Indigo blue eye shaped like a horse's eye. It even blinked too. It was very large. I was not the only one in my class that saw the eye. There were a few others. We didn't talk about what we would experience before hand, nor did she tell us she was going to open our 6th chakra, so it was very interesting that we all had shared very similar experiences. 

  This is coming from someone who used to be an atheist. It only startled me because  I wasn't expecting it and no one told us what would happen. The eye was peaceful, and safe and has not changed since I've last seen it. My yoga teacher told me it was nothing to be startled about or be afraid of and said I was looking into the eye of God. My yoga teacher is a spiritual medium who is routinely visited by spirits from the other side. She is a very happy, peaceful and pleasant individual and is not fearing her life or what she experiences.

Listen to your heart when you are in a heightened state of awareness. When the mind is calm, peaceful and not running from the ego, ask yourself does it feel right to you to pursue this? Only you know what is right for you. And I support you in whatever decision you make. 

In my opinion, I don't think there is anything to worry about. Let me explain why and further share my experiences.

  I've experienced a lot of weird spiritual stuff in my life both good and bad: including the opening of my third eye and a near death experience 2 years ago where I saw a spiritual entity from the other side. I was supposedly demon processed at one point in my life. During my early college years (while I was studying video game design), I was sexually molested by a demon while I was sleeping and it resided in my body for a few years. I didn't even realize what was going on, but my interests changed. A girl with a Lutheran Christian background that listened to techno and dance music now becomes very heavily involved in the BDSM fetish scene and was listening to music bands who have been rumored to worship Satan. My best friend later helped me get rid of it, and I was back to my old self. I've learned a lot from those experiences, especially the supposedly demon procession.

Here is what I learned and why you shouldn't be afraid: You have power! And you have a choice!  You only are controlled by others if you allow it to happen, and you can take it back at any time! You attract what you want into your life. And this is from a spiritual and non spiritual perspective. If you are happy you have a tendency to be more productive and get more out of your life and attract like minded people. If you are negative we become depressed, lethargic, unproductive and tend to congregate and attract other like minded people.  

When I was supposedly demon processed I was a very negative pessimistic individual. I was the perfect breeding ground to be a target for a negative entity or a living person. I was also verbally and sexually abused while in a very committed romantic relationship to someone I was in love with. I deserved it because I didn't love myself enough to get myself out it. Just like you can tell any person,  even a spirit, or demonic entity that: " you have no power over me!"

 I've had negative spirits visit me in my dreams and to others some people will call it nightmares. You have no idea how empowering it is in a dream to tell some scary thing " you have no power over me!" It feels so amazing. And they go away. 

You have so much power that you haven't realized it yet. Be strong and be positive. Don't allow anyone or anything to control you, to get in your away of your dreams, or your life purpose. Become "aware" of what you are thinking about and only attract the positive. You are what you believe yourself to be. Be kind to yourself. Make your mind your best friend! ?

Be well. Love and Light! 

Carrie ?









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12 hours ago, Pelin said:

@Carrie wow, Carrie, thanks a lot for your honest answer. It means a lot to me.

You are more than welcome. Never be afraid!  Because the only thing you have to fear is yourself!  Your thoughts, your mindset, are everything.  Attract only good things into your life! And it feels good too! ?

I had some nightmare or weird thing come into my sleep last night. It looked like some over sized ogre monster. I told it " you have no power over me!" And It gave me this funny look like it was confused and it took its power away. The look on its face was priceless that it would have made you laugh. I said to it again..."You have no power over me!" And it disappeared.  I have a lot of personal things going on in my life right now, so I probably attracted it, or it could have very well just been that I ate too late last night. Or maybe both. If you eat late or right before bed it does have a tendency to cause nightmares. Either way I kicked it's butt! ? I know that if anything ever tried to hurt me again on a spiritual level..even a demon, I know in my heart I have control and I can tell it to shove off!

90% of the mind is subconscious, the part of the brain that governs our behaviors, habits and beliefs. And 10% is our conscious mind, the part that deals with our logic, decision making, and will power. As you can see what we believe controls our life and how we live. That's why it's so important to take care of your inner self and happiness. That's why I agree with Leo wholeheartedly in achieving and going after enlightenment. No one talks about this much since there is controversial and various views, but there is supposedly a super subconscious part of your brain, the part of your brain that connects you to God or the Christ consciousness. Just thought I would throw that out there. 

Also some food for thought...if you look at things from this perspective, we are all energy (prana, also known as chi in Chinese, ki in Japanese/Hawaiian, or in science- bio field energy). Energy the smallest element. Smaller than living cells and atoms, we are all made of the same stuff. Your body is no differently made then the shoes you wear or the table in your kitchen, etc.   And knowing that like attracts like, positive attracts positive, and negative attracts negative puts things in a much less "scary" perspective. We're like big neutral magnets and our thoughts and emotions determine a negative or positive energy force field that emenates within us. I hope that makes sense. ?  The ogre in my dream was no more than a magnet , a negative force that I'm attracting, and by telling it has no power I changed my magnetic polarity to something positive and it was no longer attracted to me anymore.  

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope enlightenment finds you!

Love and Light, 








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Hi Pelin,

I talked to a few close friends/people that I know so I can find out more information about opening the third eye.  I had someone also email me asking about how I did it.   I wasn't sure how it happened and how it worked.  I also wanted to  personally know for myself too, so this is what they told me.

1.)  The first person I spoke with was my hypnosis instructor.  She also does reiki, aka a Japanese healing technique that means spiritually guided energy, the balancing of the chakras.  When I told her that I saw my third eye, she inquisitively asked if I was told to imagine the eye during my meditations.  Of course I wasn't told to imagine them at all, it just happened.  She's also a Christian so it was very interesting hearing her perspective.  And as you know Leo says that anyone can become enlightened regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs. 

She told me that to open your third eye you need to imagine a lotus or a camera shutter opening.  If you have ever done chakra meditations they often refer to it as a shape of a round disc.  She also told me it's not so much what you are seeing, but what you are feeling.  She said that people don't usually see an eye, unless they are imagining them during meditation.  Opening your third eye is more of an intuition thing, about giving or receiving from your higher self, your angels, or it can also be called Holy Spirit, God Consciousness, or Christ Consciousness.

She also told me about a specific stone (if you believe in the healing properties of stones), it's called Pietersite.  It's a stone that helps you reach higher levels of awareness, and stimulate the third eye and increase your inherent intuition.

Pietersite- Pietersite has a connection to the storm element and is thus called the Tempest Stone.  It is believed to hold the keys to the kingdom of heaven.  Pietersite links daily consciousness to the spiritual.

Used as a stone of vision, it works well during meditation to access higher levels of awareness, stimulating the third eye and increasing your inherent intuition.  This stone is used to stimulate the pituitary gland, balance endocrine system and hormones that govern metabolism, blood pressure, growth, sex and temperature.  Helpful to lungs, liver, intestines, feet, legs.  Also used to support your willpower, strengthen inner  guidance, and recognize truth.

2.)  The second person I talked to was my meditation instructor that I usually see once a week. She also does Reiki and the balancing of chakras during her meditations.  I did see my third eye during one of her meditation classes.  This was after the first time I saw my third eye during another meditation with another instructor.   She told me that to open her third eye she likes to breath into the third eye and set focus between the eye and the brow.  Visualize an opening in that space and breath in and out of it like it has an opening.

3.)  The third person I spoke with was my Kundalini (breath of fire) yoga instructor.  She also does reiki as well and she gave me first initial attunement to reiki. I was with this instructor during one of her meditation classes with the singing bowls and reiki when I experienced my third eye opening.  She told me that it will open when it's ready.  She said your third eye will not open until your higher self is ready.  You will need to see things from your higher self.  The lower self is a world of fear, judgement, anger, and disrespect, and all the time wanting and looking for something.    You need to be happy in the present moment as is.  Be at home with your self, and you will see. 

From what I can see from what the last person said, if you follow Leo's enlightenment videos and do the meditation practices you will be on the right track to opening your third eye.  I've done a lot of Leo's videos as well as other guided meditation and hypnosis (aka guided meditation, heightened state of awareness) work on myself. So that's probably why I've achieved seeing it so quickly.

I hope that helps!

Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

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It probably wouldn't hurt to open your third eye. I engage my third eye when I do image training/visualizations and it does seem to help vivify the images I'm creating. I'm also a writer and deal with a lot of intangible things so for me, using the third eye is pretty useful. Otherwise, just do what you want, I don't know to much about the third eye and I certainly haven't opened mine yet(although I'm working on it) but i does seem to have a good few benefits for the things I'm doing in my life. Be careful about these 'power dimensions' in spirituality they tend to be pretty whack, they can have some side effects if you force it too much or go in unguided/uninformed. and even worse, distracting from the more important aspects of seeking. To me, I'm still interested in it but more as a side quest.

Ps. If anyone has any personal recommendations for opening and utilizing the third eye let me know. There's a lot of fluff around third eye knowledge and I'd like a better representation of it.

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On 6/15/2016 at 3:59 AM, Pelin said:

I like guided meditations as a beginner to meditation, and yesterday I came across and did a third eye opening guided meditation. Didn't feel more than a tingling, but when I checked the comments I was scared as sh**. People talk about seeing entities from other dimensions, visions and stuff. I already experienced having prophetic dreams before, or sometimes my intuition is so strong it scares me. It's been happening since childhood and I always thought it runs in the family, both my father's and mother's sisters have a very strong intuition. I never thought it is about chakras and stuff.

Have you got any experiences related to opening this chakra? Should I go for it or refrain? 

its not a matter if you should or not,  you wont have any control over that, when you as consciousness evolve to the right place, you will experience what is referred to as the opening of the third eye.   those telling you about entities, other dimensions, visions, this has nothing to do with the third eye opening.   stick this in your pocket and remember it,  the opening of the third eye is nothing more than an increased level of awareness, doesn't mean you are going to do all kind of weird things, that is just some newage nonsense from people who have no understanding of the opening of the third eye, you wont open it, but when you are at the right place it will happen but dont expect miracles, because thats not what it is about and really its not about an eye, its about an increased level of awareness,  the teaching of chakras are part of a teaching process, i never considered them myself, i just considered it a stumbling block, like a lot of the other nonsense being taught today.

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@charlie2dogs Hi Charlie, as I read your words here I notice myself astonished how you are able to continue to wade through this brick wall of b.s, lies, resistance, projections, insults and disrespect. I would have given up by now, in fact I HAVE given up, because I cannot continue to read any more of this nonsense on here and at the same time dismantle my belief system. 

I cannot believe people are buying into this stuff they are reading. I have lost faith in everything I've learned because I know now that it only made me worse and kept me locked in my head.  


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28 minutes ago, Mal said:

@charlie2dogs Hi Charlie, as I read your words here I notice myself astonished how you are able to continue to wade through this brick wall of b.s, lies, resistance, projections, insults and disrespect. I would have given up by now, in fact I HAVE given up, because I cannot continue to read any more of this nonsense on here and at the same time dismantle my belief system. 

I cannot believe people are buying into this stuff they are reading. I have lost faith in everything I've learned because I know now that it only made me worse and kept me locked in my head.  


Thanks Mal, a helpful reminder. A trap in which people here, including myself, fall into. 

Edited by Huz

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@Huz No Harri,

It's not a helpful reminder.  I'm saying that this self development path is a complete illusion. Just talk that gets us nowhere fast. 

Im done with it.  "Self development" has absolutely nothing to do with being a human being.  It's just baseless ideas being adopted to give one the feeling that they are in control, that goes against ones destiny and makes us more unhappy, locked in some ideological nonsense of improvement.  Shifting ideas around in the dream keeping us locked in the dream and taking us away from any real opportunities for change. It's indeed a trap but something we all fall for.  How many years wasted on trying to be something else when all that time we never had any real control over this? 

What a waste

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36 minutes ago, Mal said:

@Huz No Harri,

It's not a helpful reminder.  I'm saying that this self development path is a complete illusion. Just talk that gets us nowhere fast. 

Im done with it.  "Self development" has absolutely nothing to do with being a human being.  It's just baseless ideas being adopted to give one the feeling that they are in control, that goes against ones destiny and makes us more unhappy, locked in some ideological nonsense of improvement.  Shifting ideas around in the dream keeping us locked in the dream and taking us away from any real opportunities for change. It's indeed a trap but something we all fall for.  How many years wasted on trying to be something else when all that time we never had any real control over this? 

What a waste

Granted, but there are people who are at places in their psychology who's believe system about themselves and the world is so negative and they have such little awareness of the fact that they are illusions that there is massive suffering in their lives.They have associated themselves with a weak identity. Personal development is a means of replacing those believes with more "positive" believes about themselves. Yes, they will still suffer but at least it is less then before, then maybe if they want too are ready to transcend all believes.

It was a very helpful reminder for people who are at sufficient stages in development to drop all this shit when they get caught up in it. And to those who are using the concepts to get them out of depression say, have in mind that eventually they will have to drop them.

Thanks :) 

Edited by Huz

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Thanks for balancing out my comments. Yes self improvement is fine, I'm sure I'd still be stuck without it. It has its place. 

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2 hours ago, Mal said:

@charlie2dogs Hi Charlie, as I read your words here I notice myself astonished how you are able to continue to wade through this brick wall of b.s, lies, resistance, projections, insults and disrespect. I would have given up by now, in fact I HAVE given up, because I cannot continue to read any more of this nonsense on here and at the same time dismantle my belief system. 

I cannot believe people are buying into this stuff they are reading. I have lost faith in everything I've learned because I know now that it only made me worse and kept me locked in my head.  


hey mal, its not always easy, but you just have to keep in mind that you do what you do for the few, who are trying, interested, and listening, generally those few have a sense that something is wrong in this world with the normal picture that is seen by most.  i spent a lot of years tied up in religious fanaticism, and newageism,  and i knew the whole time there was something else hidden that wasnt visible to most.  I came to the conclusion that most of the teaching methods are a slow, process, taking ages most often to awaken, after my own transition i knew it didnt have to be that way, but the short path is only for the few who have grown tired of all the beliefs, practices, theories,  and often one has to travel a ways to want that shorter path, and the thing about it is, it is really simple,  we are two things, consciousness and the illusion, there is no future and no past, they dont exist, all we have is the moment of now, and most dont live it.  It is where destiny is created,  the moment of now cant be lived by the illusion, one must be functioning from the real part of themselves, that is where reality is seen, and if any choice and free will exist, it is there where the ability to see the reality and then choose.  by being the self, the cleansing of your consciousness is almost an automatic process to a large degree, because as things are seen by the real self, the unwanted begins to dissolve and flow away from you and then the programing that created those beliefs is coming to an end too.  I do understand that many of the people on this forum are young, some very young, and often young people think they have all the right answers, how little do they know that they havent even begun to learn,  the ones who are open, willing, who can hear without their beliefs destroying what they hear, will benefit, maybe not today but it will happen.  as i posted in another topic, advising and attempting to guide others is a huge responsibility because apart from the illusion, excuses and beliefs dont cut it, its all about the consequences or reward of your actions.  one judges themselves when they conceive an action in their mind, and they condemn themselves to consequences when they carry out that action, if it has not been seen from reality, and done with the intentions that will keep you in a state of liberation.  so the short path is to become the real self, live in the moment of life and all the struggle is over, and if there is to be a future, it was created in the moment of now, whether one was there to experience it or not.

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