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Help Needed with Edible/Weed

5 posts in this topic

Hello humans,

So I took about 10mg of candy edible (first ever experience with weed) yesterday and barely felt anything. Warm and nice, a little spaced out but nothing I'd expect from such a dose. I ate it with rice waffles and more rice waffles afterwards. Last time I ate was 2hr prior. The candy is rated at 40mg so I took a quarter. From a very reputable source.

Many advise to take 'em 2-3 times before it has an effect. True? Aka body has to learn how to process THC.

Also, should I eat the candy on empty stomach with some fat rich food like parmesan or olive oil? For it to bind better. 

Maybe consume the candy sublingualy? I think it might dissolve with saliva.

Take some anti acid medication to decrease acid in stomach?

I'll wait a few days before next try.



Edited by MrDmitriiV

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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10mg is relatively low, especially with a full stomach or tolerance buildup. I’d increase to 15-20mg on a near empty stomach and eat an hour later. 

I’ve never heard if the 2-3 exposures prior to effect. Thats not how it worked for me. 

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@Serotoninluv Since it was my first ever try, doubt there's any tolerance in me. Maybe something genetic (natural tolerance) which doesn't break thc down as well. I've read that natural tolerance varies greatly in people when it comes to weed edibles. 

I'll try tomorrow first thing in the morning (bigger dose) with some fatty food, eat and exercise a little 30min after intake to keep the metabolism up.

4 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

I’ve never heard if the 2-3 exposures prior to effect

I found this in 2-3 different sites on edible guides.

Edited by MrDmitriiV

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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3 minutes ago, MrDmitriiV said:

@Serotoninluv Since it was my first ever try, doubt there's any tolerance in me. Maybe something genetic (natural tolerance) which doesn't break thc down as well. I've read that natural tolerance varies greatly in people when it comes to weed edibles. 

I'll try tomorrow first thing in the morning (bigger dose) with some fatty food, eat and exercise a little 30min after intake to keep the metabolism up.

I found this in 2-3 different sites on edible guides.

10mg is a relatively light dose. It's a starter dose for a newbie. I'm not surprised you got weak effects. I would bump up to 15-20mg. 

I get stronger effects eating it on an empty stomach. I'm not familiar with eating fatty foods before hand. 

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Candy edibles are not as potent as for example brownies or chocolate edibles with equal amount of THC. High Fat helps the body to absorb THC way more efficient. 

Plus I only trust legal products, when it comes to edibles. Most black and grey market sellers are super inconsistent when it comes to edibles and correct dosages.

You can increase your dose by 10mg everytime and work your way up, till you reach your desired effect.

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