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Resistance towards Learning Politics

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I have greatly enjoyed Leo's Spiral Dynamics series, as well as conscious politics. However, I just don't care about the news or current affairs that much to be able to discuss that with other people and to analyse politics in depth (to give a well-informed opinion). I guess I have some resistance to politics - perhaps I identify with stage green values more, and that I have no interests in the hard facts of current issues. Seeing the news usually just triggers me emotionally and I sometimes feel that "I don't want to touch that (current affairs/ politics)". 

I want to learn more about history and politics though, I just couldn't find an entrance. I usually zone out when people talk about history/ politics. I do enjoy Leo's videos though, so I guess I'm not completely indifferent to current affairs, just that I want some higher consciousness resources (or more meta/ big-picture stuff) that help me understand politics at a higher level. Any advice would be great!

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Politics doesn't just have to be about the world "out there." It's not like "politics" only exists inside Washington, the UN and Wall Street (although obviously these things have a big influence.) Every little thing can (and dare I say is) political, from the food we eat, to the music we listen to, to the way we think about the world, and so on.

If you want to start thinking about politics and what it means for our lives, you could start by just investigating your own life - what sort of things are you engaged in that have political outcomes or that politics can affect? Some examples might be:

- Do you have any disabled relatives who need welfare from the government?
- Do you have any friends struggling with mental health / sexuality / racism / identity issues?
- Do you feel inspired every time you see someone driving a Tesla instead of a fossil fuel car?
- Do you want people to take self-actualisation and spirituality more seriously?
- Do you take issue with some of the messages being put out by music or movies?
- Do you think we should be eating less meat? Or more meat? Maybe better meat?
- Do you like exposing yourself to art/music/ideas from different cultures?
- Do you find yourself being stressed out from too much work (or perhaps feeling disengaged by too little or too meaningless work?)

All of these plus countless others are deeply political issues, and they all relate intimately to your own life. When you read a news article that makes you think "gosh this is all so tiresome", just remember that these events are only the most radical manifestations of countless little mundane  experiences that everyone, including you, goes through every single day. When a union group pushes for a raise in the minimum wage, that's not just some "politically-minded people with some ideas doing politics", it's the logical result of thousands upon thousands of minimum wage workers who struggle to feed their kids, pay rent, pay for medical costs etc., all realising in their own lives that "Hang on, maybe my life doesn't have to be the way it is. Maybe there's an avenue to change this that could directly benefit me, and those around me."

What are the things in your own life that could be improved and changed for the better? What things are you passionate about that you feel other people would benefit from? And don't think that politics necessarily has to be "nasty" or "cynical" either. In fact I would almost say that if done well, politics should be inspiring, creative, wholesome and unifying.

And lastly, there's no one "correct" way to do politics and to be engaged. I personally keep engaged just through reading the news and sharing my opinion with those around me / people online, but you could be engaged by starting an art therapy course, or teaching kids mindfulness, or even just reaching out to a friend dealing with some issues and lending support. The key thing to keep in mind in any of these though is that you understand that your actions have political impacts (good impacts, mind you) and that you're doing these things consciously with the goal of bettering humanity, not just your own personal enjoyment.

The sky's the limit.

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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@Apparition of Jack Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. I guess I have some blockage in me that stops me from engaging in politics, like "I am not spiritually cleansed enough to make a wise decision". I really feel that there is a lot of devilry in me that has yet to be dealt with, and a lot of insecurities that I face in life. So I am not too convinced about directly engaging myself in political action.

Anyway, I really like how you say that "if done well, politics should be inspiring, creative, wholesome and unifying.". Any resources you recommend regarding a more "positive" way of looking at politics? Reading the news is too depressing sometimes and most news narratives don't offer a meta-perspective, which I crave.

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