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Milos Uzelac

What I have done what's best to do now

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I am writing this first entry at 1:42 am my Eastern European* time on something that I have been thinking over these months the past year and this year mostly at night time but what I due to some pain avoidance or obsessive unrealistic negative thinking and often being too lazy on articulating, and reiterating my thoughts and writing grammaticaly correct sentences in paper form (or more correctly pixel form) , which I still have sort of a struggle now due to avoiding practicing it since my written English, mostly using incorrect phrases, has sharply declined due to not practicing it enough. I will after I am done commit myself at finishing what I must for my study for an upcoming tommorow put this thinking to written word which I hold a regret of not doing sooner. I have written this now in hopes of motivating myself and having a written comitment and a positive motivation for studying of doing this when I finnish my set quota as a reward. 

Edited by Milos Uzelac

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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