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Weed Tripping

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What do you think of smoking weed, when you don't have access to psychedelics? Can it produce some insights when you do it in nature alone with calm mind?

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@Erixoon50 It's relative to the person. There are many factors such as prior conditioning, current stage of development, setting, mindset etc. 

These are generalities based on my personal experience and observations of others.

-- For most people, psychedelics will be stronger. However, for some people cannabis can induce strong insights.

-- Edible cannabis can produce a quasi-psychedelic experience. Vaped or smoked cannabis will be less psychedelic-like - yet can still produce insights.

-- Mindset and setting is important. If someone is in a quiet internal space and a good environment, the chances of insights increase. For example, I have reached very deep states with cannabis + yin yoga. Every bit as "deep" as psychedelics, yet it has a different feel - more of a warmth. For example, I have reached cannabis + yin yoga in which I am transforming energetic flows throughout my body. Cannabis + sensory deprivation tank brought me to the "place before I was born" and allowed an awakening. 

-- Too much cannabis can become counter-productive. For many people, cannabis is habit forming and one can enter delusional states. Someone could be smoking every night watching videos in a brain fog, thinking they are being "spiritual".

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If you're going to use weed for this work, I would recommend edibles. If you can't cook it for logistical reasons, get yourself a vaporizer and try eating ABV... works well on peanut butter crackers :) Start low on the dosages though, and work your way up.

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I think that it can give you insights and get you in touch with many deep rooted beliefs and emotions that may be creating problems in your life. 

However, for me, it has a confusing and sometimes anxiety-inducing effect (intense monkey mind), whereas mushrooms for example tend to be more healing. But that's just my experience and it may be related to how I have used both substances (weed being more of a habit, often without taking care of set and setting) and to some anxiety ridden experiences with weed that may have been kind of traumatizing lol. Or maybe my brain chemistry just doesn't work well with cannabinoids, who knows ?

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I've had some very deep and enlightening insights on weed but it really depends on your state of consciousness overall. Although they aren't as rewiring and do not go as deep on a more permanent level as say Shrooms or stronger Psychedelics but it Ultimately depends on how well you know thyself and integrate the realizations. Just like everything else, If you integrate properly, less becomes more.


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I get some pretty deep insights whilst stoned. Example: in pig Latin, how do you say stoned? Is it toned-say or oned-stay? ? 

I don’t have access to other drugs, or the patience to gain access, so I’ll get high and meditate. I feel like it quiets my analytical mind allowing the more creative abstract part of me to surface. I’m less apt to control my thoughts and more likely to just be. 

The downside is that sometimes it’s hard to remember the high-deas. Also, I feel like it’s a trade off. I could be doing the same thing sober if I worked at it. I’m just lazy and want a shortcut. 

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