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Self inquiry meditation work.

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I think today I had good insight into my self-inquiry work. Something I noticed was when I was in the meditative state I could feel my entire body and I was aware of my breath and how nice, calm and tranquil it felt, and when I asked Who am I, my awareness went away from my body and breath and I was able to see how it took my awareness out of my body into my thought which was two different states being felt. One of being and the other of thinking sort to speak. Is this good progress? 

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go to the website by Michael James 'happiness of being' and download 'The Path of Sri Ramana' by Sri Sadhu Om for free.

then you will know what self-inquiry is all about. without it one will probably always wonder whether one is making progress or not.

I would say this: I think you had the right direction, but in the context of the practice of self-enquiry, thoughts are still objects / 'third persons' (as it's called). but self-enquiry is all about the first person. attend to that first person ('I') without giving the slightest attention to 'second' ('you') and 'third persons' ('he, she, it'). find out what that first person is. 

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