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Rebecca Kalamata

Letter to Voula

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Dear Voula,

Leo has a video called, "Self Love". I fell asleep listening to it and this is what was on my wall this morning. I have listened to so many of his videos that I forgot that I had already heard this one. It played through while I was sleeping and I woke up to the comments being displayed. How funny. This is the one that I mentioned on the bus last night when you said that you wanted to send him a love letter and I said that I already did.

I wrote in a comment to his 'Self love' video: "You’re wrong Leo. I love you every time I listen to you or think about you. I think about your commitment to this work that you do. I am astounded by the preparation that you do. I love the originality of your style of presenting your information. I love your self-revelation. I love your courage and honesty.

It’s possible that if I met you I wouldn’t like you. Maybe you would be too this or that. Unlikely, because I like everybody. If they rub me wrong I feel empathy for them because I know that they rub probably rub most people wrong and that I am witnessing the pain they feel all the time. At least I get to go away from them. They can’t and they most likely won’t figure it out for quite a while unless somebody loves them in spite of themselves. Or on the other hand, maybe they are revealing something to me about myself. Ho’oponopono. Thank you, I love you, I’m sorry, forgive me."

Then my friend (Thetis called her Becky2, I figured that she didn't like being Becky2, might have an envy thing going on that she was struggling with. so I said Beckytoo was better) sent me a message. You know me, I ended up preaching. I wrote:

 "Loving my neighbor doesn't mean that I have to allow them to abuse me. Nor does it mean that I have to act against them out of reaction, defense, protection, and fear.  People pretty much don't want to be told things though. Maybe you see that in people that are hard for you. People want to figure things out themselves when they are ready to. Good thing we have eternity to figure it out in huh?"

She replied: U mean instead of acting against them you choose indifference?....anger first..then indifference... meaning that that way the anger over the abuse doesn't eat u up?  

I replied: No not indifference, love. Just like the man said. 

She said: "Just like the man said?"?... hahahaha! 

I said: The problem with a lot of Christians is that they don't believe in Christianity.

I have so much to say about Christ. Maybe I am missing my calling and should go to Divinity school and get a license to preach. I could go down to the beach and start preaching to the seagulls! It's tough going. Leo now has 80,801,554  views. I wonder how it went for Jesus when he first started out.

Leo says that we are all GOD. You are not going to like that part. Never mind. He's just a guy, just a teacher. One might say that another whole point is to learn what the teachers have to say and make up one's own mind. 

I  say that Jesus was a MAN. Let's say that Leo was right and that Jesus was a man is right. Woooaaa! That means Jesus was GOD! Now that sounds kind of familiar.

It's all this 'perfection' of Jesus that messes things up for people. The dude went into the Temple for crying out loud, and threw a temper tantrum. Now I am not touching the walking on water, the raising of Lazarus, the changing of water to wine, the feeding of the multitudes, or the Resurrection. I'm just saying that we can actually act/feel/be like Jesus and that is the whole point of Christianity. 

Deifying Jesus has given people an excuse not to practice what he taught. And the problem is that it goes against our BIOLOGICAL nature to do so. Witness 'The Selfish Gene' by Richard Dawkins, 

Leo is filming another awakening/trip again so I gotta go.


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Shit, there are a couple of things going on with me. The first thing is that Leo is filming again and


So a few years ago I started saying, "I want to know how IT/GOD works".

So I started working/processing within. I've been over most of this in my comments and journal entries. And then I came to Kalamata and woke up to Leo on the wall talking about Spiral Dynamics. So He/YOU/GOD/LEO says stuff and I'm like, "Of course. I KNOW THAT".


When my helicopter starts to fall (I will miss you Kobe), I will say, "Well here it is". That's what happened when I saw we were about to slam into that car that facilitated my remaining here in Kalamata. "Well here it is".

So there it is and here I am. So I as God, am perfectly aware that it doesn't make any sense to prefer one thing over another. It's all the same. I am the GRAND IMP! 

So the next thing is that as GOD and as Rebecca, I listened to your/Leo's video about psychedelics and I have changed my mind about doing mushrooms at the "Beach Life Festival". Thank you. That would possibly not have been a great idea. Now, where to do some. There are little kids in my Redondo home. Where do I go to trip if I decide to? I wouldn't mind a guide. Maybe in Ojai I can make some hook-ups. Please contact me if you have any suggestions. Peace out y'all.

I am here for you Leo, part of your manifestation. That ain't no joke manifesting 80,812,855 views. Who does that?


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