Adam M

Leo's Live Awakening Video is Freaking Profound

112 posts in this topic

10 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Serotoninluv Are you absolutely awake?

If I answer “yes” it’s a lie. If I answer “no” it’s a lie. And of corse both answers are also true and partially true. Such is the case with dualistic constructs. 

Consider the infinite relativity in this question. What is meant by “awakened”. What is meant by “absolutely”. What is meant by “you”. Any definition would also be relative, with another underlying relativity. 

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15 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Serotoninluv Do you feel yourself as god or not? Or do you have a memory of yourself as god that has reoriented your life?  

@Raptorsin7 It doesn't seem enlightenment is a feeling or experience or that is founded in the mind. It seems that 'God' is not attached to any kind of form.

That's why trying to reach a constant state of realization that will necessary depend on something that has opposite (having an experience/not having experience, realizing God/not realizing god) could never work, because God doesn't need to depend on a 'state'.


Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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41 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Serotoninluv Do you feel yourself as god or not? Or do you have a memory of yourself as god that has reoriented your life?  

I would be careful with personal subjective experience. They can lead to an idea of what “it” should look or feel like. . . . If an alien visited earth and asked you “Do you feel yourself as Now? What does Now feel like?”. It would be an odd frame and hard to answer.

At a personal level, it is more direct to answer “Do you feel yourself as Everything?”. Well. . . If I am perceiving/identifying as a self, that self needs to be relative to not-self”. If my subjective experience is me as my mind and body, then I am not experiencing myself as a tuna sandwich, a pencil, you, a tree etc. If an essence of Being Everything arises, there is Nothing to contrast it to. There is no self to compare itself to. Me, a tuna sandwich, pencil, tree etc is all the same One Everything.

In terms of personal memories, I don’t have any sense of “me” and an god external to “me”. Myself (1) as god (2) is separation. The closest I’d say I get to this is a sense of “forgetting” and “remembering”. Its like I am playing in a virtual reality game and I am playing being a cow. At first, it’s obvious who I really am. Obviously, I’m a human person just temporarily playing a cow. Who cares if I fall off a cliff. It’s just a game. I’m not really the cow. . . Yet what if I was in this state for years? I would start identifying as the cow. What if I was in this state for many generations over millions of years. Eventually, there would be complete identification as the cow and the energetic motivation would be to survive as this cow. It’s no longer a game, it’s serious business. Now the cliff becomes a major threat. I perceive everything in terms of my survival and well being. . . . Yet it’s possible that there is a small crack and a little light seeps through. Perhaps a glitch in the virtual reality game. There is a pause and a sense of “Am I really this cow? What/who am I?”. There can be a sense that I, the cow, have forgotten my true essence. Yet it’s been so long. The memory isn’t high resolution clarity. I don’t spontaneous realize “oh yea. I’m a person that lives in New York and I’m at the Farmer’s Arcade playing a cow in a virtual reality game. It starts off much lower resolution. Like I may have been some other being. Perhaps in a previous life. I can’t put my finger on it, yet I get the sense I have forgotten something and can’t quite remember-. . . And of course, to fully become the cow, one would need to fully forget they are not a cow.

I think what you are asking is “yea, but how does the cow feel? Does the cow feel blissful?”. This only matters from the identification of the cow. The higher transcendent answer is it doesn’t really matter anymore. The cow is just an illusory image. Yet I would say at the cow level, the realization would induce distress at first, yet with realization the cow would settle down and be able to let go of a lot. Once their is realization I’m not a cow, there is an energetic shift. It doesn’t make sense to hold n to cow things. Like grudges against the other cows. So a lot is released at this level.

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IT feels like Infinite Love /literally actually without zero philosophising about it. @Raptorsin7 Really wishing you that

That's what you Really  are. You can be that NOW. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@Raptorsin7  with regards to your question or concern about falling into a lifetime cycle of using pyschedelics to achieve insights or awakenings - do not worry....there are only a handful of key realizations or facets of awakening.   And by awake i mean awake as God.   The avatar does not embody them - rather there is an expansion of Consciousness in the form of the avatar.  

These realizations are in no particular order:

1. The direct realization that the fabric of reality is Consciousness and not made of matter.  Bye bye materialist paradigm.  All matter and all things are held within consciousness.    Once that is realized directly via Being, it cannot be undone - you have seen reality to be a Mind.  It is a dream and you have awoken from the dream. 

2.  That you are not the avatar - but that the avatar is an idea within consciousness...this can lead to a dark night because it can also accompany the "oh fuck" realization that you are nothingness.  Everyone and everything is an idea within consciousness.  The squirrel that got squashed on the road was an idea in the mind of God.

3. That you ARE Consciousness / infinity / reality / God.   

4.  A realization of Infinity - which is total Oneness.   There is nothing outside of infinity.   Infinity is everything and nothing.  It is nothing and everything.  And this can also lead to a dark night because it can accompany the direct "oh shit" realization that you are all alone - one giant mind imagining it all - and everything and everyone is you.

5.  That you are pure Love and pure Divinity.  God in its pure formless form is pure Love and Bliss, frozen and divine.  

Once you are conscious of these realizations directly, by the death of the avatar and thus being pure Truth directly,  it cannot be undone.   Further non-dual or mystical states  would not be necessary for God to be awake.   God has enlightened itself through your particular form.   

If the avatar is seeking more mystical states imo then it is purely for exploration purposes of consciousness as Infinity, not for waking up.    God is exploring itself through form...which is what it is doing at all times anyway...




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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I told you guys, that drugs 


Edited by Angelite

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@Angelite Not true. Drugs are valuable. They are another spiritual practice like meditation etc. We have just been brainwashed by society, you too, that drugs are all bad and must be avoided.

Have you ever asked why drugs are banned in the Bible, Quran etc? What is the purpose of not allowing human beings to use drugs?

I found god through psychedelics. I felt god's presence. Not just the wave of bliss I would get from humility, or speaking Gabriel's name to myself. I would not have got there without drugs, or it would have been much more difficult.

The drugs show you what it's like to not be separated from god. Then when you're off the drug you know what to change in life to bring yourself in alignment with what you experienced. 

Does Quran mention dogmatism and blind faith? Be careful, your aversion to "drugs" is out of ignorance.

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Oh my...seeing the comments under the new video is a real headache...

I remember clearly when Leo said in one of his videos that soon he will grow so much that he will pass the threshold of what most people consider 'sane.'  That's why it's so important to follow along with the practices. Or else you'll get lost in the dust.

I'm amazed that people can't fathom that just because a teaching seems radical it doesn't mean that it's false. I personally intuit that any True teaching must appear to be radical coming from the perspective of a person who is mired in delusion.

Anyways, just sharing my frustration...

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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All the deluded egos criticizing leo to still be an arrogant jerk when it wasn't Leo talking the entire time xD 

Of course Leo is arrogant and an ass, and there is lots to be integrated, but it was God speaking through an imperfect and biased ego, as it should and will always be.

If the video triggers you, it's just that you're still very arrogant yourself, because you really can't judge Leo if you truly accept that you can (and were/are) arrogant at times. There would zero judgments or critics, at least not in the way most of you are criticizing him by being so judgmental.

Does that mean Leo won't give a shit about how he speaks and conduct himself (poor amazon guy xD ) ?
No he will change (quite a lot), he won't have a choice about it, because there is way too much love at that point.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 30/1/2020 at 0:25 AM, Primeval said:


'Ego' is merely Latin for 'I'

Anything else is just confusion.

Ego is a survival mechanism from nature to make sure people dont leave themself to starvation and fight for their life.

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On 2/1/2020 at 1:03 PM, Raptorsin7 said:

My family is anti drug, and they equate all drugs as bad so I probably have some deep rooted beliefs about drugs from them.

Nice inspection work.  When I read that, I remembered the moment I was talking with my parents and the difference between “drugs” & “psychedelics” became crystal clear, as did the ‘relationship’ between love & “fear”. 



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3 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Angelite Not true. Drugs are valuable. They are another spiritual practice like meditation etc. We have just been brainwashed by society, you too, that drugs are all bad and must be avoided.

Have you ever asked why drugs are banned in the Bible, Quran etc? What is the purpose of not allowing human beings to use drugs?

I found god through psychedelics. I felt god's presence. Not just the wave of bliss I would get from humility, or speaking Gabriel's name to myself. I would not have got there without drugs, or it would have been much more difficult.

The drugs show you what it's like to not be separated from god. Then when you're off the drug you know what to change in life to bring yourself in alignment with what you experienced. 

Does Quran mention dogmatism and blind faith? Be careful, your aversion to "drugs" is out of ignorance.



Edited by Angelite

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@Angelite You are separated from god I can tell by how you write. I am separated right now too.

You're doing it the hard way fyi. You are like me. My family is stage blue immigrants from India. All they know is hard work and suffering. 

You can keep doing it the hard way, or you can find a better way.

Better way starts with less judgement. More compassion and humility.

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26 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Angelite You are separated from god I can tell by how you write. I am separated right now too.

You're doing it the hard way fyi. You are like me. My family is stage blue immigrants from India. All they know is hard work and suffering. 

You can keep doing it the hard way, or you can find a better way.

Better way starts with less judgement. More compassion and humility.

One, I am not you. 

Two, I am not Indian. 

Three, I don't buy spiral dynamic. 

Four, you don't know me. 


Who you?


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@Angelite I am human being searching for god.

But I know god isn't just found in Quran, or Bible etc.

I am also human being who was doing it the hard way, so I see who is doing it the hard way too. 

But i guess you don't understand that yet.

Edited by Raptorsin7

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Who do things the hard way? You do ? . .

I don't have to wait for someone to make a drug for me to be with God. 


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@Angelite You are walking the path the hard way. I know this because I am also walking the path the hard way so I can see who else is doing a similar thing. Is your family very well off relative to others around you? You seem pretty young to be trying to find god. 

Are you with god right now? Do you feel god's presence? God is felt, you wouldn't miss it.

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13 minutes ago, Angelite said:



I don't have to wait for someone to make a drug for me to be with God. 


When you become conscious of total Oneness you become conscious that You imagined pyschedelics into existence to discover yourself with.  Truth is much more radical than you think.  There is a grand design at play.  

It's not to say that you can't discover Yourself without pyschedelics - many have.  But they are a means to an end, just like meditation.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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