Adam M

Leo's Live Awakening Video is Freaking Profound

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5 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:


Are you conscious of the absolute at this moment? Are do you have a thought about the absolute that your mind attaches to as a relative point to have this conversation?

I am in finite form and in duality right now otherwise i wouldn't be on this forum i would be blissing out somewhere (and nowhere) in a mystical state of consciousness completely infinite and formless.  Pure consciousness.    

But yes after enlightenment the identification with the Avatar (as Leo calls it) falls away.  If i want to play in the story of @inlytened1 the avatar i do.  But i am aware that it is imaginary - that this avatar is imaginary and fundamentally it is nothing.   Yes my thoughts of the Absolute right this moment are just that - thoughts because as i said i am in finite form playing the role of the avatar which has separated itself from Itself for that very purpose.  To create relativity.  Not sure if that answers your question.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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14 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Inliytened1 In terms of the journey story, have you used psychedelics? If you got Here without psyches, I’m super impressed. 

Indeed i have never taken pychedelics.   It was probably a lifetime in the making though...nothing to be impressed about but thanks :)?  as Leo said there is very rarely just a spontaneous awakening there is a lot that goes on prior.  Nonetheless it was a miracle.   


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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42 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Serotoninluv  I don't understand what you're pointing to. Try re-framing I might get it.

Before I re-frame. . . To me, you have an energetic orientation of genuine, curious and open. Those are super important traits. There might be other traits you might not naturally have, yet the ones you got are high up on the list in terms of awakenings. I would consider integrating your intuition, awareness and resonance with others.  This combination is a powerful guiding force. 

Regarding “difference”. . . When I first saw “Huge difference” my mind went to “No difference”. The mind could have made a choice between two. My mind may have taken the position of “No difference”. This in and of if itself isn’t the snag. The mind could have temporarily taken a “No difference”  position and simply tried to explain it. No attachment or identification. The mind is free to do explore there or pick up and explore someplace else. This is a fluid mind. The snag comes with the identification and ownership of “my” idea and the attachment that my idea is right. This snags the mind. The mind will not be able to take a meta view and see both views. It will not be able to see the insight with each view. It will be locked into its own view and may go into debate mode. 

This is where the curiosity and resonance comes in. The mind can explore multiple views of magnificence and intrigue. Or it can spend time working through multiple views of stupid shit. Be aware of who you resonate with. There are some amazing beings to explore multiple views of really cool stuff. The mind can do this exploration solo, yet its hard in the begging, ime. My mind really needed speakers like Leo and Rupert Spira to paint scenes for me to explore. Then my mind started doing it on its own. 

This is not the big fish. Just some explorations of insights. 

Oh. . . ”No difference” and “Huge difference” are both true in different ways. 


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@Raptorsin7  There is something crucial though - in a non-dual state where one's self or ego dissolves and they are Infinite, once the immense bliss, tears, etc subside, to where You can speak, you can continue to communicate through the avatar or form You are in.   But it is God speaking through the form..Believe it or not one of my earlier awakenings happened just like that while on this forum and the words flowing from my fingers were not mine. 

@Serotoninluv It was during one of my conversations with @David Hammond.  I hit a mystical state right there and was still communicating.  But the words were not of the avatar.

@Raptorsin7 So don't be so quick to doubt Leo's awakening. (If you are)  From your perspective you can't tell and i think he mentions that.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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leo seems to have 5 years old in this video.

you can see in his eyes, the excitement a child have when seeing the world for the first time.

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2 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Inliytened1 It’s amazing what’s possible. 

indeed ?❤

@Nahm  no butter on the popcorn please :)



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16 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

Before I re-frame. . . To me, you have an energetic orientation of genuine, curious and open. Those are super important traits. There might be other traits you might not naturally have, yet the ones you got are high up on the list in terms of awakenings. I would consider integrating your intuition, awareness and resonance with others.  This combination is a powerful guiding force. 

@Serotoninluv I'm learning to trust my instincts more and more each day. I used to be very in my head, but I see the incredible value in developing instincts and gut feeling, and moving according to those instincts. I am in the process now of integrating insights and building my life purpose. 

How often would you say you have peak experiences/awakenings like the one Leo is having in his video. It seems there's a conception here that, that state is the end all be all. And anything short of total embodiment is a failure. I can really only see myself getting there with drugs moving forward, and it makes me uncomfortable.

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23 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:


I can really only see myself getting there with drugs moving forward, and it makes me uncomfortable.

If we let go of  "getting there" and "moving forward", what remains?


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16 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Serotoninluv The feeling of the present moment. Which does not feel as good as the feeling of awakening.

Wanna take a bet? 

Don't underestimate present moment. ?

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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20 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

It seems there's a conception here that, that state is the end all be all. And anything short of total embodiment is a failure. I can really only see myself getting there with drugs moving forward, and it makes me uncomfortable.

Peak experiences are important.

Psychedelics help you get there.

What is the problem?


It appears to me like you have a bias against psychedelics (I apologize in advance if this is not the case). An awakening is an awakening regardless of the means chosen to get there. The embodiment of the awakening afterwards depends on the individual's conceptual understanding and meditation experience.


If you took a psychedelic in a dream and it caused you to have a full awakening (which is possible to have while asleep and dreaming).

Would you consider it to not be a legit awakening because you took a dream psychedelic?


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17 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@Serotoninluv The feeling of the present moment. Which does not feel as good as the feeling of awakening.

Awakening is nothing but the present moment. You will not gain anything else.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Adam M

39 minutes ago, Adam M said:

Peak experiences are important.

Psychedelics help you get there.

What is the problem?

I agree with all this. I have made more progress in the last month then I have over the past 4 years because of LSD. I am not saying that we shouldn't take the drugs. I'm planning on doing trips at least every 2 weeks for the near future. But i can also see the trap in the drugs, that I think many people will fall into. 

Awakening is amazing. It feels amazing. If i could embody that start 24/7 i'd be a fucking super hero. But i also realize that all the practices I do were basically designed to get me there, but none of them would have gotten me there without the drugs. The drugs are the best practice imo. But now there's going to be a cycle of drugs, awakening, then come down and try and embody the insight. This seems like it could take a life time of just repeating this process. There has to be another way. I don't want to get trapped by the drugs. 

42 minutes ago, Adam M said:

It appears to me like you have a bias against psychedelics

I do have a bias against them. My family is anti drug, and they equate all drugs as bad so I probably have some deep rooted beliefs about drugs from them. But there is still a problem with the drugs. The purpose of the practices, including drugs, has to be eventually to not doing practices and just live life to the best of our abilities. The drugs show what's possible. But what's possible must also be possible without drugs imo. So now how to go about this process?

I don't see anyone here discussing this. It seems like a lot of people are in this drug, awaken, embody cycle. And i want to know what's the next step beyond this.

45 minutes ago, Adam M said:

Would you consider it to not be a legit awakening because you took a dream psychedelic?

I only care about how it translates into your life. Like after my first LSD trip i stopped smoking weed and started going to bed early and waking up early.

After the second trip I got a peak experience, recognized myself as god, and since then have found my life purpose and am pursuing that full time.

Everything outside of direct improvement to my life is just nonsense spiritual ego mental masturbation 

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On 1/29/2020 at 11:25 PM, Primeval said:


'Ego' is merely Latin for 'I'

Anything else is just confusion.

This, the ego isn't someone stealing money and then you being egoless because you don't do this or bullshit along these lines, don't buy into flatland thinking about what being egoless is.

Edited by wagnereater

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1 hour ago, Raptorsin7 said:

Awakening is amazing. It feels amazing. If i could embody that start 24/7 i'd be a fucking super hero. But i also realize that all the practices I do were basically designed to get me there, but none of them would have gotten me there without the drugs. The drugs are the best practice imo. But now there's going to be a cycle of drugs, awakening, then come down and try and embody the insight. This seems like it could take a life time of just repeating this process. There has to be another way. I don't want to get trapped by the drugs. 

This is is a trap dynamic that can arise with psychedelics, yet I wouldn’t call it an “awakening trap”. I think calling it a mystical experience trap would be more accurate. When I first used psychedelics, it was like being rocketed to a higher conscious state. Some states were pleasurable, some were not - yet they were all mystical experiences that revealed insights and new abilities. It was like having the greatest enlightened teacher or being able to travel to different realms. There was an energetic shift from figuring things out and reading literature and spiritual teachers - to the actual direct experience - and they only way to get there was through psychedelics, which created a cycle of expansion and contraction. The more blissful the experience, the higher likelihood of experience chasing. Ram Dass explains this cycle well in the below article. . . For me, some of my trips were very unpleasant. I entered anxiety and insanity zones that would take me days or weeks to recover from. This reduced the blissful experience chasing. For me, there was attraction, yet also trepidation with trips. Part of me didn’t want to revisit those uncomfortable places and there was some resistance/trepidation when approaching a new trip.

At a personal level, one thing with psychedelics is that one’s baseline conscious level increases. When I was a newbie before my first Ayahuasca ceremony, I was asking the guy next to me a bunch of questions. I saw reality as if there is my normal sober state and a higher psychedelic state. One thing he told me was “those two worlds gradually come together”. In a way this was intriguing. In another way, this was scary. I couldn’t imagine it at the time, yet I now know what he meant.

I’ve been through cycles of psychedelic states - not so much to escape a sober reality - more so to gain new access to high states. For a while it was like psychedelics gave me a magic wand. I got new super powers of hyper empathy, omniscience and extremely high level imagination and integration. And there came a time, I wanted to be able to do it without psyches. I would go hiking in the woods and everything felt bland - I couldn’t communicate with trees, wind and birds. I couldn’t become the creator of the forest. It was like I didn’t have my magic cape. 

A couple things I would keep in mind. The way you talk about psychedelics and how amazing they are does not sound like an awakening dynamic. It sounds like a mindstate/experience dynamic to me. There is an attachment/identification that psychedelic states are “amazing” relative to sober states. And there is a seeking to leave sober states and enter psychedelic states. The larger the bad to good distance in the cycle, the stronger the seeking. As the two world grow closer together, the intensity of this seeking declines. For example, I started experiencing amazing psychedelic-like states while sober and experienced crappy sober-like states tripping. As I would go into the woods, it didn’t really matter if I took a psychedelic or not. I felt like I was already half-tripping and I thought “I kinda like the present moment as it is. Why try to change it?”. There would then be months that went by without tripping. I was neither grasping or pushing it away. The present moment is the present moment, whether it is sober or a psychedelic. It’s both ISness. Psychedelic and sober mindstaes - both ISness. And what is psychedelic or sober starts to break down. Experiential states can be very insightful, yet it is not awakening. An awakened state vs an unawakened state is a duality. Absolute Awake is unconditional. It is not dependent on any mind state. It is eternally present Here and Now.

In the essay below, Ram Dass talks about the cycle of chasing blissful psychedelic states and associating “there” with a psychedelic state. Ime, this is certainly a dynamic with psychedelics and I think he explains it well. Yet I would say he over-generalizes that this is the only relationship with psychedelics. What he describes is just one dynamic, there are many others with psychedelics and I’m a bit surprised Ram Dass never experienced outside this dynamic. He did a lot of psychedelics, yet stayed within this dynamic. Each of us has our own resonance and relationship with psyches, yet it’s still perplexing. It is like someone living in Australia for years and only talking about the dangers of the Australian outback. While that is certainly true, there is much more - The Sydney Opera House, kangaroos, koala bears, the coral reef etc. And for someone to travel around Australia for years and never see this other stuff is a real head-scratcher for me. At any rate, he does describe the cycle of bliss chasing well, imo.

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