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How likely do you think that the coronavirus will cause a massive plague that wipes out the population?

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The virus is not deadly and only kills if the symptoms are not treated by professional doctor. Problem is that it's highly infections so there are more sick than we can treat it. The virus is very infections before a person shows symptoms, so anyone could potentially have it. There isn't a way to cure it, all we can do is treat the symptoms until the imune system manages to beat it. Because it's a virus it can always mutate, which means that it can become even more deadly or harmless like Ebola. 

It seems to me that it's hard to judge how dangerous it really is, because we can't tell weather the Chinese government is telling the truth or is lying to us. So we can't be sure of how meany dead and infected there are. I have personally faith in Chinese government to control the situation and buy us time for either the virus to mutate or cure to be developed. 

If there is an outbreak in your town I would recommend you to avoid working, public transport and public places in general, stock up on food and basic medicine. In general you should become a germophobe, wash hands and clothes and sanitize everything. Avoid elevators, take the stairs. If you do that you can survive a massive outbreak. Also take care of your health, your imune system is the best protection you have. And don't panic, stress weakenss imune system. 

I think we will be fine, problem is that we are overpresribing antibiotics so a disaster like this is a possibility either today or in the future. 

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Its mostly killing older people. Not the type of thing young healthy people will die from especially with access to proper treatment. Its still quite serious but not of the nature you proposed. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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highly highly unlikely

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I hope everything will be fine soon and the world will not lose any important life anymore.

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To those who say its unlikely to cause a massive plague:

Are you not worried about the virus mutating into something severe?
Do you think that even thought its unlikely to cause massive plague, we should still do everything and even take "overprotective" measurements to stop the disease from spreading to too many people?

I haven't done research on the topic, but I've heard that the problem is not the current severity of the virus, but the fact that its highly contagious. And more it spreads, the higher chance there is for it to mutate into something extremely deadly and then we have a very contagious deadly virus in our hands. Is this true or not?

Edited by Hansu

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From what I've heard so far about this matter it is actually way more likely that it is going to mutate into something that is less dangerous for the population, but the possibility is always there of course.

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Coronavirus is actually a really naive and undeveloped virus because there is a high chance of death once infecting. A "survival" virus will not kill its host but will learn to live with it for the rest of his life leeching of the host but without producing significant symptoms, such as , Herpes, to a degree shingles and other. HIV Virus will probably get to that stage as well in couple hundred years. 

So for Coronavirus to not be exterminated it has to morph into something less lethal that will be considered as non-harmful such as rhinovirus (the flu virus) that all of us carry but it is extremely rare that it kills someone. 

Edited by Michael569

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7 hours ago, Hansu said:

Are you not worried about the virus mutating into something severe?
Do you think that even thought its unlikely to cause massive plague, we should still do everything and even take "overprotective" measurements to stop the disease from spreading to too many people?

So far there is nothing suggesting it has or will mutate.

We should definitely take precautions but I see no reason to think it will wipe out humanity which is what OP asked. There 1.3 billion people in China and only about 170 people have died so far. You do the math.  


Edited by Rilles

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2 hours ago, Hansu said:

@LaucherJunge @Michael569 @Rilles

Alright. So there is little to none to worry about.


If youre really worried you can donate money to help them. Theres a lack of food (I think) and protection masks. 

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On 1/30/2020 at 7:26 AM, Michael569 said:

Coronavirus is actually a really naive and undeveloped virus because there is a high chance of death once infecting. A "survival" virus will not kill its host but will learn to live with it for the rest of his life leeching of the host but without producing significant symptoms, such as , Herpes, to a degree shingles and other. HIV Virus will probably get to that stage as well in couple hundred years. 

So for Coronavirus to not be exterminated it has to morph into something less lethal that will be considered as non-harmful such as rhinovirus (the flu virus) that all of us carry but it is extremely rare that it kills someone. 

Im quite offended its 2020 but theres still only recognition of male viruses. This forum is about equality is it not?^_^

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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11 hours ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

Im quite offended its 2020 but theres still only recognition of male viruses. This forum is about equality is it not?^_^

They penetrate cells (forcefully without consent) to reproduce themselves, clearly they are male. Like the sun is male because it fertilized the earth with it's energy, and the earth is female because it gives birth to all of us. 9_9

Edited by Scholar

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In my opinion, Solution is:

  • Being conscious of health. By saying to yourself "I am healthy" and FEELING health. 
  • By attaining the feeling of health, we are becoming conscious of health, and the external world is a reflection of our consciousness. It is consciousness, out-pictured. 
  • "I AM the way" 

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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18 hours ago, Scholar said:

They penetrate cells (forcefully without consent) to reproduce themselves, clearly they are male. Like the sun is male because it fertilized the earth with it's energy, and the earth is female because it gives birth to all of us. 9_9

Yeah but they also infect the host to ultimately cause its downfall, clearly they are women. 


(Its a joke moderators don't give me a warning pls)

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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One interesting fascet to remember is that the rate of death can significantly increase once medical treatment capacity limits have been reached. That means if there are too many people infected, we will be unable to treat all of them and thus more will die as a result.


This is why it is important to contain it. Currently people affected are obviously being treated for it, if the virus continues to spread, especially in less developed areas, there might be a significant increase in death-rate.

Edited by Scholar

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A new virus ultra infectious not something to be cautious of ?

even with a 2% death rate ( if those numbers are true ), we could say that each country increase his death rate by disease by at least 2% world scale. We don't know the high term consequence of contracting such a disease.

Corona is just a name for a range of type of virus, it's not "known" as people tend to believe it is, it isn't.

Why china put go full quarantine style for a flu ?

 it cost billions if not more, why a simple flu would put down the country who was about to beat america on the economic plane.
Even chernobyl situation wasn't handle that far.. it's fair to have questions and to be cautious.

so make up your own truth.

there is a lot of rumors by conspiracy theorist that could be "true", like it isn't a natural virus, but a dangerous one created in the famous P4 lab ( go researsh about it, if it makes you curious, it's not conspiracy lab, it's a real lab )

I don't believe so far that the "bioweapon theory" is true.
missed in the wild from the lab ? who knows the truth,


hospitals are not known for their wide availability... even in 1rd country,

so having an increase in people who go for meds will intrinsicly cause a lot of death. ( the world isn't ready for taking in charge a high increase in patients in a short amount of time )


but I m still questionning myself, why this move from China ? I don't trust the media, but I don't trust many thing.

pandemics are real threat to the entire humanity, they are no joke. So far from the "true number" , there has been 360 death in China. ( and this number is probably a fake number ) as if we could believe in a country that need to hold his stability, it's the right move to not alarm people. ( would cost more to the country ) even in chernobyl, the governement lied about the whole situation for a long time.

but anyway what you can do if you suspect cases in your area :




Edited by SickLuv

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On 27/01/2020 at 5:35 PM, Red-White-Light said:

How likely do you think that the coronavirus will cause a massive plague that wipes out the population?

People are dumb. There's SARs before and swine flu not long ago. Its mostly compromised immune systems who are affected severely. Don't worry. Exercise common sense. Look at the mass panic and items selling out. The stock market is similar. BTC skyrocketed then plummeted. Why? Speculation. People chase the spike and get emotional. They panic buy and panic sell. 

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On 1/31/2020 at 8:03 AM, Hansu said:

@LaucherJunge @Michael569 @Rilles

Alright. So there is little to none to worry about.


Something popped into my mind about the whole situation:

What happens if China runs out of power to contain the virus?

When the police lose power over quarantines, when hospitals are full and there is not enough people to take care of the sick as doctors tire up from working around the clock, possibly sick themselves and the amount of sick people per helping hand skyrockets

If food aid cuts, wouldn't the disease then spread like wildfire as sick people stroll to the streets looking for food just to stay alive?

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12 hours ago, Deezeetho said:

People are dumb. There's SARs before and swine flu not long ago. Its mostly compromised immune systems who are affected severely. Don't worry. Exercise common sense. Look at the mass panic and items selling out. The stock market is similar. BTC skyrocketed then plummeted. Why? Speculation. People chase the spike and get emotional. They panic buy and panic sell. 

nCov seem to have a high R0 and additionally spreads asymptomatically which increases the risk for a Pandemic significantly compared to a virus that only spreads when symptoms show, like SARS, Ebola and the Swine Flu. Additionally nCov spreads through air by means of droplet infection.

From the data we currently have it seems like around 20% of people infected require intensive care, although that number has to be taken with a grain of salt because of self-selecting biases.


The problem is not how deadly the virus is in an of itself, the problem is the way it spreads and the amount of people who require focused medical attention. This means if a lot of people get infected we will be unable to sustain medical treatment for those who need it, which will most likely increase the death-toll.


Also the data we currently have is very lacking due to how early it is and where it is coming from. This means obviously we should take it as a serious threat even if it might in the end turn out to be nothing.


The attitude of "It's just a virus like any other, lol" will in the long run bite us in the ass. One day the virus that is going to actually have potential to become a pandemic will hit us and people will be conditioned to treat it the same way as they always did.


From a point of view of systems thinking, we must ask ourselves "Is my behaviour sustainable throughout multiple iterations?", and because Viruses and bacteria pose such a significant threat to human health, I would conclude that even panicking a little bit is more sustainable than being apathetic about such threats.

This means that the irrational behaviour of panicking is more rational or sustainable than the behaviour of dismissing such threats without enough evidence, atleast in the long run. Of course optimal is a behaviour that would attempt to detect the threat level accurately and then determine an action plan.

Currently we have not left the phase of detecting the threat level, because we simply do not have the data yet.

Edited by Scholar

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