
How come the older I get...

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The more I become full of shit. Dogmas, ideologies, limiting beliefs, monkey mind etc. 

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Yeah I've realised that it's basically impossible for the ego to be perfect with regards to truth. The only way to not make mistakes is to cease to exist

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2 hours ago, Chumbimba said:

The more I become full of shit. Dogmas, ideologies, limiting beliefs, monkey mind etc. 

When you get a new computer it's like a baby until you start downloading info, then after "x" amount of years it or your "cloud" has much more data to be able to access. 

So, same with you, as you age the more data has downloaded for you to sort through and to figure out what you believe and don't believe, what you like and don't like, etc.

Spirituality is seeing through all of this conditioning.

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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@Chumbimba You don't have to be. Start unconditioning/deprogramming your mind if you want to grow wiser as you get older. 

"You must unlearn what you have learned" - Yoda

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@Natasha I have been deeply curious on how to do that. 

Also I hear a lot of people, teachers, books etc talk about dying before you die. How do you do that ?

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I would like to know that as well - interesting concepts - but how to actually do this in practice? no idea

Edited by OmniYoga

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20 minutes ago, Chumbimba said:

@Natasha I have been deeply curious on how to do that. 

Also I hear a lot of people, teachers, books etc talk about dying before you die. How do you do that ?

By realizing the body-mind/ the entity you call 'you' is a conceptual construct/a thought/false sense of self/illusion. You were conditioned to believe everything that you think you are. The reality is that you are none of those labels. You are Being, with no name, gender, color, race, social status, etc. You are the 'screen' in which the apparent image of a 'character' Chumbimba rising and disappearing as the 'movie' of life is being played out :)

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