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Contemplation On Reality

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This will be a journal where i contemplate aspects of my life to determine the truth of my current reality. I want to discover for myself what is actually going on. There are many questions and concepts that I assumed I understood but this understanding was the beliefs and knowledge of others that I have accepted as dogma without much questioning.

I want to question the very nature of my own reality.

What is meditation?

What is a goal?

What is love?

I will try and address topics systemically as they arise in my mind.

This journal should be very practical and illuminate so I have there is something to hear that others can learn from.

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What is meditation?

Meditation is the practice of training the mind to focus on a single target for sustained periods of time. Many meditation schools begin by teaching practitioners to turn attention to the breathe or the body. The purpose of this task is to train the mind to go from an untrained state, where the mind is scattered, to a trained state where the mind can remain focused on a single target for a long duration. 

Once the mind is trained to a point where attention can remain on the object of meditation for long periods, then the practitioner has reached a major mile stone because the mind is no longer wild and untamed, but rather the mind can be directed in service of the goals of the practitioner.

This is a major mile stone in one's meditation practice. The ability to control one's mind by setting a goal, recognizing when the mind is off the goal, and gently bringing the mind back to the goal is basically a super power in modern society. A trained mind can be effective at satisfying the desire's of each person, and as the person becomes wiser, there is more clarity on what goals are worthy for the mind to accomplish.  

A clear, trained mind with a clear goal is an unstoppable force. I am beginning to wake up to the power of the mind, and the limits of human imagination seem potentially limitless. But the beauty of the mind cannot be realized without the practice of controlling one's attention. So if you're reading this and do not currently have a meditation practice, I strongly advise to begin as soon as possible. Even just 5 minutes per day can transform your life. 

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