Sahil Pandit

Closing in on Life Purpose

7 posts in this topic

Hello everyone, 


Before you read, i just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to read and consider what my situation is. Feedback would be appreciated 9_9


Here’s the abstract: I believe I am very close to closing in on my Life Purpose. I’ve found a niche and have skills that provide value within that niche, as well as the potential to scale my business in this niche.


Hey everyone, my name is Sahil and I have a very unique situation that dawned upon me in September of 2019. I met an individual who is a Professional eSports Player. Not only that, but one of the best in the world (at the game that he plays). Soon after meeting him, i began working for him for free (reason being, the upside of the relationship has lots of potential opportunities). Over time, we built a great relationship and I have become his social media manager. My job is to help him grow his business (This entails building his brand image, producing YouTube content, editing videos, actively seeking brand deals, endorsements, etc.)


The reason why I am writing this is because i’m starting to tap into the big picture of how this niche is untapped. If i do this right, i could corner this entire niche with my skills. I am looking to scale my business and acquire 3-4 more clients + build an agency that helps these gamers grow their online presence. 


How would you go about this process? 

Do you see how this could become a LP?

Would you like to share some advice? 

If you would like to share some insights or knowledge, please feel free.


(Now I know this is a very specific case, but i just wanted to share this with the community to show you guys what is possible. You can make your LP come true if you put everything in place.) 


Thanks in advance :P

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This is an amazing start and then you need not necessary limit yourself to the gaming community.

A lot of Youtubers/Videographers hire editors and a bunch of content managers separately.

There's some huge untapped potential there. You're right!

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@Sahil Pandit I can share my experience.

So 4 months ago i started law school. I was unhappy and lost in life, and I thought Law school would be an enjoyable experience, and give me time to grow and find myself.

Towards the end of last semester about 3-4 weeks ago I was really unhappy and frustrated. I did a lot of practices but nothing really worked. Then i started working with @Nahm and started using LSD for self help reasons, and I transformed my life and now I feel incredible. I also have a clear life purpose sort of related to yours.

I'm going to play League Of Legends and start a mental health website, designed to teach gamers how to enjoy the game more, and use league of legends as a meditation to object to find greater meaning and happiness in their lives. Most gamers, like i used to be, are miserable people who use games as an escape to pacify feelings of boredom and sadness. 

My point of this story is that I found my life purpose through self actualization. Once I found myself everything clicked and my purpose became so clear. I have never been more driven in my entire life. It's honestly a miracle how much my life has changed.

My advice is to keep doing what you're doing. And devote yourself to spiritual pursuits until you find yourself, and know the purpose of the game of life. If i had no found myself, and was still a seeker trying to do life purpose course, it would be way harder and I honestly don't think it would work the way it's working for me now. There's a pyramid of needs for a reason, maslow's hierarchy. Don't rush life purpose.  It sounds like you're on the right track though so maybe you understand exactly what i'm saying and this warning isn't for you lol.

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9 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:


My advice is to keep doing what you're doing. And devote yourself to spiritual pursuits until you find yourself, and know the purpose of the game of life. If i had no found myself, and was still a seeker trying to do life purpose course, it would be way harder and I honestly don't think it would work the way it's working for me now. There's a pyramid of needs for a reason, maslow's hierarchy. Don't rush life purpose.  It sounds like you're on the right track though so maybe you understand exactly what i'm saying and this warning isn't for you lol.

Thank you so much for this.

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Seems like a great opportunity, and definitely in the right direction! Awesome Sahil :) All I gotta say is it's good to be open to doing something else, or letting this unfold in anywhich way

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