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Will be sharing excerpts from my journal. You are free to chime in, this is not my main entry log.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Sweet man. Can you give a TLDR of your path so far? What made you get into self actualization? Where have you been, where are you going?

You always have good advice on the forum i'm very curious to see how you operate.xD

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"... Whatever is one to wish to come to fruition…The power of the genie…It fundamentally does not change a thing about the consciousness of that person. Wishing money, power or whatever fundamentally does not change a thing about that person's approach, perspective or paradigm. This is not a problem of "external" matter. Of course in lack one does not see that. How can you? You can only see so far as your mind allows. This also goes for asking "the question"… The paradox of consciousness and duality itself. Receiving an answer does not change a thing about the consciousness of the one asking. An answer is apparent and is within the being of that conscious state itself. The questioning is an expression of the desire to reunite with the fullness of consciousness…and for that is required for one to grow to it. No answer is going to change a thing… Yet I'm not quite right. "Asking the right questions"… Crucial for the direction of that energy, of that focus…Of the underlying Love - the reality after unification. Remember the conscious state after the voiceless question "Who am I?". What lead to that occurring was the fact that no answer sufficed. The desire for unity was so strong…an experience of unity followed. .."

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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@Raptorsin7 Thanks. In a few days I will. It will be a good exercise to recollect and reminisce. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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10 hours ago, Ero said:


"... Whatever is one to wish to come to fruition…The power of the genie…It fundamentally does not change a thing about the consciousness of that person. Wishing money, power or whatever fundamentally does not change a thing about that person's approach, perspective or paradigm. This is not a problem of "external" matter. Of course in lack one does not see that. How can you? You can only see so far as your mind allows. This also goes for asking "the question"… The paradox of consciousness and duality itself. Receiving an answer does not change a thing about the consciousness of the one asking. An answer is apparent and is within the being of that conscious state itself. The questioning is an expression of the desire to reunite with the fullness of consciousness…and for that is required for one to grow to it. No answer is going to change a thing… Yet I'm not quite right. "Asking the right questions"… Crucial for the direction of that energy, of that focus…Of the underlying Love - the reality after unification. Remember the conscious state after the voiceless question "Who am I?". What lead to that occurring was the fact that no answer sufficed. The desire for unity was so strong…an experience of unity followed. .."

The following quote is from one of Leo's posts. I'm sharing it to show another wording of what was described in the excerpt from 25.01.2020. The reason this is necessary is to evade attachement to the wording when one has not become conscious of this.

"When you are directly conscious of the Absolute, you become it. You are not interpreting it, thinking about it, or even looking at it. You and it become ONE. Then you can come back down into duality and do interpretations and analysis on it. But when you're doing that, you're again disconnected from it. Yet at the same time you cannot ever be disconnected from it because it is all things at all times."

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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"... I need to exercise infinitely more Self - Love. The desire of having a different story - a different life, comes from lack of self - esteem and self - love. Why not experience fully the current story I'm living. Live it, embrace it, experience it. Grow with it, let my consciousness mature the way it has to. The way it really is. Wanting things to be in a particular way comes from a deep place of not trusting and loving oneself enough. I am to walk the steps of @Ero until I transcend stories altogether. This is not a problem of content... But of the fundamental orientation of my consciousness. This is about shifting myself to follow and embrace the way of Love. The Love that is to be my end. The Love that is to be everything..."

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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6 hours ago, Ero said:


"... I need to exercise infinitely more Self - Love. The desire of having a different story - a different life, comes from lack of self - esteem and self - love. Why not experience fully the current story I'm living. Live it, embrace it, experience it. Grow with it, let my consciousness mature the way it has to. The way it really is. Wanting things to be in a particular way comes from a deep place of not trusting and loving oneself enough. I am to walk the steps of @Ero until I transcend stories altogether. This is not a problem of content... But of the fundamental orientation of my consciousness. This is about shifting myself to follow and embrace the way of Love. The Love that is to be my end. The Love that is to be everything..."

You are barking up exactly the right tree.

Keep going. Climb that tree until you run out of branches to step on. Then jump! ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 25/01/2020 at 9:23 PM, Raptorsin7 said:

Sweet man. Can you give a TLDR of your path so far? What made you get into self actualization? Where have you been, where are you going?

You always have good advice on the forum i'm very curious to see how you operate.xD

What made me get into self-actualization?

- A previous impulse that may have arisen was to seek the "call to adventure", the turning point in my life... yet that just wouldn't be the whole story.  Of course one part of the story is connected with the whole dissatisfaction that arises with the human condition - whether it was failure, lack of self-esteem, the desire to live better, to not feel like shit half the time... But that is only the personal story. One that is not and should not be the focus... Now I see that everything I have ever done or will ever do is part of the Grand journey of Evolution - The evolution of my consciousness. Every desire I've ever had is a fragment of the real Love that is to unify.

The other part was the inner calling. To discover what is true. My entire life has been saturated with visions and intuitions that don't allow me to forget for long enough where I am headed. 

The funny thing is that in the beginning there was a story of what drove me, of what made go down this path... But now that is just so tiny and frail. It just doesn't make sense to say that there was a beginning of it all, because this is how it has always been. The only thing that changes is the scope and intensity of how much I actually realise that.

Where have I been?

- It looked as if I was in the shoes of @Ero , yet I was in the NOW. That is where I have always been. Whenever I snap out of the story, I'm within the NOW - prior to the space-time or personal context. That is where all is. For Ero it may have seemed as if I walked years of living and have many more to. Yet nothing really changed. 

Where am I going?

- Towards Infinity. The current steps require transcending my current story. Structuring my life abundantly, expanding my consciousness by travelling, by socialising, by challenging all my current beliefs and paradigm. Becoming disciplined and focused, working on what I love. By helping humanity evolve. By approaching structural and conscious issues. By understanding the complexity and pure mysticism of the world. That is what I face now. Yet a time will come when all of that will be behind me. When all of that will just melt into Nothing. That is where I am to be.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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Shameless and unstoppable 

That always comes up when something thrilling and truly great follows. I think I have found a cadence. The dance of self - love rocks while creating what is meant to be. 

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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