
The Path Of Meditation And Its Purpose

37 posts in this topic

8 hours ago, Ayla said:

It's still as illusory as it can be

@Ayla Could you please explain the illusion? Is the Illusion the fact that you are not your body or mind and that people tend to think they are their thoughts? 

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@Andre , I don't have any answers for you. What do YOU think ? :)



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What I mean is, answers are everywhere.... but they aren't of any value. Only your own answer will be useful. Turn the question back to you. 



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@AylaI am not sure but if i have to answer this  myself i would say that the llusion is that you are not your body nor your mind/thoughts and ego plays a role in it. making sense of where we truly come from(nature) and where society has evolved to be i.e. in cities with governments and jobs, and technology... It is easy to get attached to the idea that this is your true nature and with it comes the dogmatic beliefs that are being told by others(parents and other role models) caught in the illusion that have been told the same. I think as a generalization people have a need to be needed and a want to feel sense of belonging with others, so they look up to others follow/take on their beliefs without ever questioning it.(questioning a belief deeply seated causes cognitive dissonance)

Edited by Andre

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5 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

I'm kind of an outrageous person.  It's ok, we all have raised our self-awareness enough so that petty words shouldn't bother you at all, fa*****.  ;)


Very true.  Enjoyed the video.  Sorry, OP, I'm a cu** sometimes.  Don't be russled. 

Edit:  Censorship!?  Leo I am disappoint. 

what does being an outrageous person, and using petty words got to do with self awareness, 

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17 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

what does being an outrageous person, and using petty words got to do with self awareness, 

It twas a joke, buddy.  You're taking the internet a little too serious right now lol. 

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8 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

It twas a joke, buddy.  You're taking the internet a little too serious right now lol. 

ok buddy i got ya,  let me clarify, i ask a lot of questions here and some other places i frequent where people are interested in personal growth, or self realization,  when one of those people ask a serious question about their life, i take that question and my answer very serious.  I ask questions as a rule for two reason, one is to get the individual to reveal themselves to those around the group, as a way of learning for the group and sometimes to get them to question themselves, but i never ask a question that i don't already know the answer to and by knowing the answer beforehand, i know the right question to ask, can ya dig it? :)

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3 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

ok buddy i got ya,  let me clarify, i ask a lot of questions here and some other places i frequent where people are interested in personal growth, or self realization,  when one of those people ask a serious question about their life, i take that question and my answer very serious.  I ask questions as a rule for two reason, one is to get the individual to reveal themselves to those around the group, as a way of learning for the group and sometimes to get them to question themselves, but i never ask a question that i don't already know the answer to and by knowing the answer beforehand, i know the right question to ask, can ya dig it? :)

Ya, it's cool man.  Everyone is so somber and nice here, I feel like it's partly a little disingenuous.  Not that you're being disingenuous at all.  But, when I see an environment like that I get the urge to be a contrarian.  I don't know why really, I've always done that.  Plus, when seeing how people react you get to see how self-aware they are and it's kind of how I pick out who to listen to and how much to respect what they have to say.  Idk, I don't really mean to hurt feelings or anything.  It's just my way of exploring people and their reactions by poking them in a way they didn't expect. 

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To be honest im not working towards enlightenment to bring joy or happiness to myself. My purpose  is to block unnecessary emotion and to get out of suffering. especially this disguesting, sick, dying body. Of course I'm still happy and healthy since I'm only 22. But.... nothing stays forever. It is totally ok not to be happy or bliss or in peace as long as I don't reborn.

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37 minutes ago, Heart of Space said:

Ya, it's cool man.  Everyone is so somber and nice here, I feel like it's partly a little disingenuous.  Not that you're being disingenuous at all.  But, when I see an environment like that I get the urge to be a contrarian.  I don't know why really, I've always done that.  Plus, when seeing how people react you get to see how self-aware they are and it's kind of how I pick out who to listen to and how much to respect what they have to say.  Idk, I don't really mean to hurt feelings or anything.  It's just my way of exploring people and their reactions by poking them in a way they didn't expect. 

This is dysfunctional. 

You're testing peoples reliability for another reason.  The reason you're giving us is your rationalization.

Dig deeper

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2 hours ago, Heart of Space said:

Ya, it's cool man.  Everyone is so somber and nice here, I feel like it's partly a little disingenuous.  Not that you're being disingenuous at all.  But, when I see an environment like that I get the urge to be a contrarian.  I don't know why really, I've always done that.  Plus, when seeing how people react you get to see how self-aware they are and it's kind of how I pick out who to listen to and how much to respect what they have to say.  Idk, I don't really mean to hurt feelings or anything.  It's just my way of exploring people and their reactions by poking them in a way they didn't expect. 

im guilty of that also

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12 hours ago, Mal said:

This is dysfunctional. 

You're testing peoples reliability for another reason.  The reason you're giving us is your rationalization.

Dig deeper

How is it necessarily dysfunctional and how do you know my motivations better than I do?  You backed your statement with absolutely zero reasoning what-so-ever.  You can call any explanation for behavior a rationalization.  What's dysfunctional is having an emotional reaction to my words.  You're just too attached with the idea of acting in a particular manner that you perceive to be "functional."  Yea, look how polite I am, god I'm so self-aware and enlightened.  I'm practically Jesus himself.  Perhaps I'll end my post with a gay ass tag line like, "much joy and happiness to all."


much joy and happiness to all



;)  Not really, but really don't take shit so serious.

Edited by Heart of Space

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@Heart of Space @Heart of Space

Dear friend,

I wasn't aware of having any emotional reaction to you.  I'm fine with anti-social behaviour. 

My comment was to help you take a look at why you feel the need to shit on everybody's kindness here.  That's all. 

Warm regards 


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lol wtf happened to my post and how do I delete?

Edited by Heart of Space

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7 minutes ago, Heart of Space said:


Thanks for editing that. It was not great reading that to be honest.  I felt bad for you.  

Why did you take my words that way? I was trying to be helpful. 


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9 hours ago, Mal said:

@Heart of Space @Heart of Space

Dear friend,

I wasn't aware of having any emotional reaction to you.  I'm fine with anti-social behaviour. 

My comment was to help you take a look at why you feel the need to shit on everybody's kindness here.  That's all. 

Warm regards 


I wasn't necessarily referring to you in regards to an emotional reaction, oh holy one.  And make sure your regards aren't too warm as I may receive an erection.  Unless, that's what you want... ;)

joy and happiness to all

Zen Satan

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12 minutes ago, Heart of Space said:

I wasn't necessarily referring to you in regards to an emotional reaction, oh holy one.  And make sure your regards aren't too warm as I may receive an erection.  Unless, that's what you want... ;)

joy and happiness to all

Zen Satan


There I was thinking the mediation might have been working for you. 

It's ok, nothing ceases to amaze me these days.  I've seen it all before, ten a penny in a Saturday night bar-fight. 


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