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walking on egg shells and violent people

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Some people just have unbelievable anger problems, anything just sets them off. I had a housemate grab my my neck over a discussion on the washing up for god sake, i mean in what situation apart from self defence is violence every justified. I had mates all my life that we have engaged in light hearted jibes and cheekiness. It then comes as  as surprise that ive encountered people that take any form of light hearted humour as an attack to their "authority". I get threatened, i stand up for myself as to not be treated like shit and get attacked. How the hell can you deal with these people its like im thinking anything i say to them is going to set them off, truly unpredictable. I'm ashamed to admit that its made me very bitter with the world, whenever im going about my day and miserable people have to make me live in fear just because they feel like shit. My housemate has apologised but its an awful situation because i cant trust them anymore, any word i say i feel like im walking across a minefield.


She (transgender) told me a while back that she chased someone down the street with a sword and got sectioned for several weeks, like fucking hell who am i living with, cant wait to graduate and get out of this backwards city full of junkies and undesirables, litterally this city is where the government dumps those on probation out of prison  for the north of England, so say a person is from liverpool and are jailed for GBH or something, when released on licence they cant have them in their home city where their victims are so they dump them in my town and leave them mostly to be homeless and have to meet their probation officer every few weeks. The governments policy reminds me of ghetto areas that cities have apart from this place is the ghetto area of the country. I'm only here because the university has such a good environmental programme that i want to excel in,cant wait to graduate in may, just hope i dont run into a deranged junkie in the middle of the night.

Edited by Chives99

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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I don't. I avoid like the plague. If its coworkers, minimize all engagement. In the predicament find a good living arrangements. 

If its common occurrence you could be unintentionally provoking things. I don't get hit or choked. I study bjj so I will strangle a fool for trying. My point is it is not common nor the norm for the behavior. There's certain people who you don't provoke. 

May is around the corner. Enjoy it while you can. Work awaits. 

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Just seem to be running into people with severe anger issues and the university town i am in is a ghetto town which the government treats as the country's social rubbish dump. This person that grabbed me was sectioned for several weeks for chasing someone down the street with a sword, she (transgender) so basically a man picks on me because im short and an easy target just like everyone else that has bullied me in my life, ive been mocked for  not standing up for myself but when i do i get started on, i nearly glassed someone last year because he was going to throttle me in a nightclub for whatever reason he had against me , but security threw him out first

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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