Aaron p

Addictions and Healing ♥️ Progress Report

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This is a kind of progress report for myself that I'd love to share to encourage all of my beautiful people ?. Here are a few areas in which I have experienced deep healing very recently ? 

All of my addictions are subsiding! ♥️?

Addictions to porn, rubbish food, even my addiction to constantly thinking is subsiding. This path of healing is so beautiful, it's so worth it and amazing. To make my testimony even more powerful, all of the addictions seem to be unraveling on their own! As if it's by accident! ? My diet has Improved, I've found myself no longer addicted to watching porn every night (which was a legitimate problem for me). And for the first time EVER I really feel happy, like proper proper happiness. Healing is something that happens as an automatic function within the practices of consciousness work. And it's incredible! Like it's built in.

And...I know I can be a big of hard-ass here on the form sometimes ?, but the truth is  I love you guyzzzzz ♥️ so much. I just hope this encourages everyone and reflects upon the beauty of consciousness work and how much it can positively effect someone. 

PS: Leo we want more videos mannn!! Lol

Edited by Aaron p

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@Aaron p That's awesome! What did you do, do you have some kind of spiritual practice going? Psychedelics? Or what?

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@bazera yeah. My practise usually goes like this 30-40 mins kryia yoga> 30 mins self enquiry. Try do it every day and yes I do use powerful psychedelics they are a necessity for myself I feel

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@Aaron p I used LSD two weeks and i made more progress in those 2 weeks then 4 months of "spiritual practices" combined. Completely changed my diet from trash to overall very healthy, and I haven't woke up past like 7 in those weeks. 

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@Aaron p great to hear mate, how did you kick the Porn habit or did it just happen naturally, porn is common in our society, almost as common as eating if you speak to people our age, and nobody seems to realise excess usage can create issues.

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I've actually always found you to be one of the most gentle and warm people on here. You seem honest and humble to me. Two qualities I really admire. 

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