
Healthy Refreshing Drinks

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summer is full of fruits and drinks , lets discuss drinks which are healthy and refreshing and which we should use on daily basis to feel good , refreshing to live our lives full potential 

@Natasha i need you :) here

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I really like just a litre of water with a bit of lemon juice. That's a great start in the morning.

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Warm water with fresh lemon is a beautiful way to start the day 

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@jes Lemon water (with no sugar) is awesome - it sets your digestion up for the day, revs up energy, cleanses and detoxifies, etc. I drink half glass every morning, all year around.

Fresh juicing is another way to get good vitamins in. I have an Omega juicer and juice almost every day. My fave is carrot/ apple combo with a bit of ginger root. In the fall I make pomegranate/ cranberry/ grape juice, which is also yummy and super nutritious. My son loves fresh grapefruit juice in the morning and sometimes I'd juice it together with pineapple to add sweetness. 

 They sell now those infusion bottles where you fill the bottle up with water and put a plastic thingy inside with fruit in it (strawberries, blueberries, lemon, pineapple, mango, etc). The fruit/ berries soak up and infuse the water with juice. Another good alternative to try c(:  

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2 hours ago, Natasha said:

Fresh juicing is another way to get good vitamins in. I have an Omega juicer and juice almost every day. My fave is carrot/ apple combo with a bit of ginger root. In the fall I make pomegranate/ cranberry/ grape juice, which is also yummy and super nutritious. My son loves fresh grapefruit juice in the morning and sometimes I'd juice it together with pineapple to add sweetness. 

Isn't it better to eat the whole fruit / vegetable and not just the juice? By drinking a smoothie you will get all the fibre too.

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6 hours ago, quantum said:

Isn't it better to eat the whole fruit / vegetable and not just the juice? By drinking a smoothie you will get all the fibre too.

We eat plenty of whole organic fruits and veggies too, and green morning smoothies are a staple. It's just that the question was about drinks and fresh juicing is a much better alternative to store bought processed beverages, especially if you have a kid at home :)

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I swear I posted something about Moringa (miracle tree leaf powder)...but I can't find it now. Anyway, Learn all about it if you like, it's amazing! Drink with water, in smoothies, or an alternative milk latte ( warm, not hot) with a touch of honey is yummy like matcha...

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Hi jes,

Don't eat too much fruit.  It's high in acid and sugar, aids candida and mould growth which zaps energy.  It also keeps your body working overtime in an attempt to balance the pH. 

Try more alkaline foods like raw greens, broccoli, wheatgrass.  You can pulverize this into a smoothie, but don't make it too smooth because you will destroy all the fibre cells and it will pass through you like a freight-train rather than cling to your intestine to be absorbed.

I buy a supplement called edible bentonite clay and mix it with this which I drink twice per day.

Bentonite clay is a mineral that has a charge and attracts all the metallic residue build up in the body.  It's the most powerful antioxidant known to us.  The fiber supplement absorbs the toxins carried by the clay and helps carry it out of the body while cleaning the colon. 

Stay away from tap water - for obvious reasons. But the main toxin in tap water is fluoride which is highly toxic and leeches the body's energy.  Buy distilled water instead. 

For keeping your liver healthy, blitz one raw garlic clove with a small piece of ginger (unpeeled) with a cup of distilled water and a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.  Yes it's disgusting and it repeats on you like an episode of Friends, but it's worth it! 

Try it and you will soon feel like you're plugged into the National Grid!

Enjoy the radiance!


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15 minutes ago, Mal said:


Stay away from tap water - for obvious reasons. But the main toxin in tap water is fluoride which is highly toxic and leeches the body's energy.  Buy distilled water instead.

I use alkaline ionized water. Its 6-side molecule makes it more absorbable and it's cleaner than other sources. I also add a bit of apple cider vinegar (2 tablesp of ACV to 56 oz of water) and sip through the day. ACV adds minerals and vitamins that plain water lacks.  

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@Mal I use bentonite clay for my home facials, but never actually ate it before. Will have to try it now, thanks for the tip. 

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On 14-6-2016 at 4:21 AM, Natasha said:

@jes Lemon water (with no sugar) is awesome - it sets your digestion up for the day, revs up energy, cleanses and detoxifies, etc. I drink half glass every morning, all year around.

Doesn't it damage your teeth?

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4 minutes ago, DrMatthewsausage said:

Doesn't it damage your teeth?

I don't make it too strong - juice from half lemon to a glass of water. It's great for balancing body PH too.

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too much knowledge , too little I know :D 

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37 minutes ago, Natasha said:

I use alkaline ionized water. Its 6-side molecule makes it more absorbable and it's cleaner than other sources. I also add a bit of apple cider vinegar (2 tablesp of ACV to 56 oz of water) and sip through the day. ACV adds minerals and vitamins that plain water lacks.  


Thank you!

Re: The bentonite, buy an edible powder, or one in liquid form (Healthy Origins does a fine one).  I wouldn't attmept the low grade facial stuff, but if you are feeling adventurous....

If you have any metal fillings drink the shake through a thick plastic straw then brush your teeth immediately afterward, as the clay starts to pull the metal out of the filling.  I always use a wooden teaspoon to mix the drink. 



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@Mal I don't use any conventional facials at all, they're filled with all sorts of chemicals. I do sauna at my gym 2ce a week (opens up pores and pulls toxins out), and then follow up with argan oil as moisturizer. Sometimes I'd do clay, but not too often. Also, 15 mins a day facial exercises/ toning  up facial muscles, and never have to worry about wrinkles or sag. Plus of course, healthy diet, plenty of fluids, exercise, anti-stress, and sleep. That's my whole beauty routine, least expensive and most effective.  

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