
How does one become a life coach?

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How do people know you're legit, how do you even become legit enough to be able to help other people, what are the skills required if you don't need to go through a course? I'll be having a psychology degree in 2.5 years so it's a relevant degree. But is it enough qualification to be acknowledged formally, and then you can just work on your own the skills needed to be a life coach?


thank you

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Is life coaching being taught in the university? I'd be surprised if it was. Psychology will give you great foundation to understanding human psyche but I think having an additional training on how to motivate people, inspire them, help them identify their value and strengths..not sure if this would be part of the university syllabus. 

Life coaching, i found, is not so much about knowledge as about getting people to change their way of thinking and perception on their reality. Of course knowing about shadow work and NLP and other techniques will be very helpful as well. 


“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Really good thread with every thing you are looking for. I thought about maybe doing some coaching in the future myself. But not sure what route I will go with it. 

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17 hours ago, Kshantivadin said:

How do people know you're legit, how do you even become legit enough to be able to help other people, what are the skills required if you don't need to go through a course? I'll be having a psychology degree in 2.5 years so it's a relevant degree. But is it enough qualification to be acknowledged formally, and then you can just work on your own the skills needed to be a life coach?

thank you

I'm a life-coach and I would say that one of the most helpful skills to have is the ability to intuitively come up with probing questions that leads the client down further into the obstacles to their goals. 

You should also understand a lot about human nature, be able to listen deeply (receptivity), and have the ability to read small cues from the other person intuitively. 

Now,  generally, the ICF frowns upon advice giving and it's against their code of ethics. I personally think this simply exists for fear of being misconstrued as some other profession... as opposed to having to do with genuinely helping a client. Also, they probably expect that, since life-coaching is so broad, that the coach's advice wouldn't be based in expertise.

That said, if you have an intuitive knowing about people through cultivating self-awareness and empathy, I think it can be helpful to share certain insights to show the client new platforms to look from that they probably wouldn't have considered on their own.

But the most important thing in coaching is the ability to intuitively respond to clients' answers.

So, it's something like this...

Coach: So, what would you like to focus on in this session?

Client: I've been having some trouble at work recently with my boss.

Coach: What's the issue?

Client: I feel like my boss isn't noticing my contributions.

Coach: What makes you feel that way?

Client: He never really acknowledges when I've done well?

Coach: Is it your perception that he acknowledges others when they do well?

Client: Yes.

Coach: And how does that make you feel?

Client: It makes me feel uneasy and like he doesn't want me working there. I'm afraid of getting fired.

Coach: Do you think your assessment is accurate? Or do you think this fear arises for other reasons?

Client: I'm not sure. Sometimes I think it's accurate and sometimes I think it might be my insecurities.

Coach: Can you name for me another time in your life when you experienced similar insecurities?


Then, once the client has found some new conclusion that they weren't previously aware of, you and the client create an appropriate action step to address the obstacle or goal.


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Careful not to turn the learning which is on your path to what you’re wanting, into a ‘qualification’ carrousel of thinking. ?♥️

Something you might consider...is your aim to help people psychologically deal with life, or to see prior to / beyond all psychology, so that they are liberated and create the life they actually want. 

Can thinking resolve thinking? 

Do you want to liberate and love....or “be a life coach” - “be a psychologist”.



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