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When Spirituality goes against you

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When you're in  ongoing Spiritual process and and it goes against you starts going to the opposite direction

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10 minutes ago, Neph said:

When you're in  ongoing Spiritual process and and it goes against you starts going to the opposite direction

Does it? I mean if you quit it completely maybe, but from my experience going back is needed experience to see things more clearly and is actually just another height even if you do not see it at that moment.  

Edited by purerogue

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@Neph  How is it going against you? Just not working at all, or some negative effect? It could be your ego resisting the spiritual process, because it knows you're onto it. What are you doing for your practice, maybe you need a change. 

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Of course spirituality is bad for you it's designed to kill you. The fear I experience sometimes, holy fuck it's terrifying. As long as your following your intuition fully, making sure to actually do the mystical practises that work...the powerful ones like self enquiry (for a good period of time each day) you'll probably get the results you want. Do psycs lol

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@Neph If you feel like shit be ready for growth! This on going process of feeling great and feeling awful is the road to heaven. You get used to this pretty fast.


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@Neph Eventually you will go so many times through hard times that this feeling of bad will actually become a sign for growth!

"I feel like shit.... Oooh wait that's growth! I will grow in the end! Just gotta go through it"

But it wont last forever. You will go full circle. This purging of bullshit process is tough emotionally. Hang in there buddy, it will be worth it!

Here a great quote for you:

"There are people who are looking for food... But this food you don't put in your mouth that goes into your stomach.. This food is words that you take into through your ears... And they can nurture your soul and renew your spirit."


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For me spirituality always felt that was going 'against me' but for against the false 'me', which  anyway I don't need it because I am already complete and perfectly fine, just keep letting erase what is not real and see what its left. If you are looking for Truth then as long as you are going forward it shouldn't matter what its left in the road.    

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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