zasa joey

Just A Little Note From My Journal...

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Here we go, hope you enjoy. People, all so different and all so similar. everyone tries to find out how would life be better for them. how can they be happy, fullfilled, protected, self-realized. we all create models, systems in our minds. some of us have pessimistic outlook on the world, some of us feel positive about life. evereyone has their own way and yet how should the thing we call life be lived? many people have tried to answer these questions, but heaven in theory has turned out hell in practice many times over. its impossible to create heaven, utopia on earth and it would be pretty pointless if it were possible. if there dont exist problems, pain, suffering, goals, motives, everything loses its meaning. we will rot and decompose. no! we dont want a system created by someone promising salvation, we dont want magic pills. well what is left then? well the answer is quite simple, its what every human being desires: to be happy, fulfilled, graceful, best versions of themselves. so all of us should start looking for these things inside. create your own values, principles, follow your heart and desires. is it very hard to do so?! but no, its so hard for us, extremely hard indeed. we gotta realize that we arent immortals, there is no god who sits above loves us and will change the world and its laws for us. come on already, everything is so simple and genial, yet we overcomplicate this, come on break your shells already. think about this world, the reality make yourself and other people your main priorities. you gotta stand above your upbringing, society, dogmas, religions, culture. I know you can. all of you live with your values. and dont give a shit about the rest. listen to the music of life and dance... play, this life isnt anything serious, its absurd so do your time while you can. so you can either cut your veins or go out their and raise hell. put your 100 percent and soul in everything and never back down. you only live once so go fucking die! there are thousand ways to do so but the end is the same for all of us. so what do you want? to live as long as you can? do you want to pickle? oo well, i can imagine our deathbed so clearly. when we will be left all alone with ourselves. where will our religions be then? dogmas? social status? and then you will feel unimaginable pain that you have never truly lived. you could have but you never did. you wont leave anything behind. your death will just be a statistic. and then you will say oooh how i wish to be born again... i would do everything differently, just one more chance. but you know what. we would do everything in the same way again, because we are stupid and all of these which i have written above is just an utopia. so just nevermind.
p.s anyway i have written so much and heres my point. just dont lie to yourselves. live your life so as your actions and behaviours are reflections of your real inner feelings, thoughts and desires.

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@zasa joey Nice message :) 

The scariest thing about it is that we give too much of a shit about certain things so we end up not living to our fullest 

we can't be those people! 

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It's not that a utopia would be pointless. Its that most people are addicted to pain and pleasure. If they are at  a point where they are only sufficiently provided for but there is not an abundance of pleasure to run to, they choose to run to pain because that is the next greatest extreme. Its hard for people to simply be content with what is enough without searching for abundance in one form or another. But much pleasure becomes so addictive that it is like an itch that is only fed a little ease with each scratch because it is like a bottomless stomach that is hungrier than it will ever be full. It is like a fire that screams for more but it cannot be sufficed, and to be treated is suffering as is to be without. 

One piece of the method I constructed is found by an old chinese philosopher. I used it in my formula to find a way to stay balanced but to still have an abundance without "eating" (for lack of better words) it all up.

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness. --Chuang Tzu

So the first step is to not seek happiness. The second step is to avoid pain (if you can), and also not to cause it (if you can). Now, those concern the body. However, psychological "pain" and "pleasure" are similar but different. You should not seek happiness yet avoid stress (if you can). Remember, if you cannot control something, decide how best to respond.

Now, the problem with people's minds is that they think too much of the mind as a separate being then themselves (because it seems to operate apart from them). But, for every thought, remember the words of aristotle, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

To be wronged has no meaning unless you fiddle with it as you remember it. In fact, it need not even be remembered. In the survival of the fittest, making an enemy is just another prediction of a sleepless night. It benefits a person to make amends and form an alliance so that world peace is that much closer. The problem is that people are too keen to trust their animal instincts. You know how when someone smiles and you can almost see the happiness on their face? Like literally see it? That is actually a animal instinct in the form of a hallucination to help you know what probable situations what you see is associated with. So that does not mean that the person is in fact happy (they could as easily be sad while smiling). Those animal instincts where psychological (internal) matters seem to be embodied by physical (external) matters  only tell you probabilities. So when people see what looks to be an angry person just because they have an expressionless face, they may react in an actually angry matter. But that is because they did not treat their animal instincts as on a probably accurate explanation.  But, in fact, when the person "hallucinated" an angry person, they should know that it was a hallucination because they knew the anger so well. They knew the personality that would have it, the physical sensations that follow it... all because it was happening within themselves. When you see something, your mind digs through memory (like a pokedex haha) to find what is associated with it so that it can find whether it is beneficial or able to cause you loss and/or damage.

The way to get past this is to discern. To treat your senses as never completely trustworthy. Do not even treat your emotion as completely trustworthy. Even computers make mistakes. That is why when you see someone handsome they don't turn out to be the personality you expected when your mind associated specific personality traits to be with their appearance and sound. Treat the intellect as trustworthy according to what you know to be true.No assumptions or decisions made on strong but deceptive emotion.

So the first step is to not seek happiness. This is easy because it is non-action. You need not tense and need not relax. Just go about the task at hand without seeking happiness. The problem with this task is that suffering will come about, but it only seems relevant and your excuse for wallowing in it will never be worthy. Suffering is only a temptation for you to search for happiness. Suffering is often on the tip of your tongue only to waken into complete existence once you speak it, and that by wallowing in it willingly. Be utterly intellectual toward your own suffering and do not subside into the uneducated lies of strong but deceptive emotions. How strong you feel doesn't justify your motivation. The next step is to avoid stress. As for the body, avoid pain and do not seek pleasure. This includes stretching for the sake of pleasure and eating when you are not hungry. Eat only when you are hungry and not until you cannot eat more. Drink only when you are thirsty and not until you cannot drink more. You can still have the prescribed amount of water a day without drinking until you cannot any longer.

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