
Zizek quote

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What do you guys think about this quote from Zizek? 

...But what if the opposite is true?

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If you discover a lot of shit inside yourself, you'll discover a lot of shit outside yourself.
If you clean up and accept some of it inside yourself, you'll clean up and accept some of it outside yourself.
And vice versa. How can it work both ways.

In the end there is no inside, or outside to begin with. But when in in the dualistic perspective, this line of thinking can be useful.

Edited by Yog

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@Yog   I, personally, don't resonate with the quote.  

If I try to imagine a lifestyle or mental position in which it makes sense it would be...

A life that doesn't see human existence as having any direct connection to divinity internally.  That any meaning or creative divine force, if that is even being considered, is beyond human ability is somewhere out there.  It is a life that is defined by what you do in the world.  Physical achievement through the egoic identity is paramount. You create in the world and let that creation define you.  There isn't an ownership of an internal life, doesn't really exist in this life.  

It has its place in the developmental psychology models.  So great living in an age where we have models that represent our thought / feeling processes.

I don't think many people in the forum will resonate with the quote as representing them.  What is amazing is how many people could probably place this thought process on the developmental evolutionary spiral.  To be able to place it without disgust or shaming, simply it is what it is.  Can you be upset with a 10 year old for not being an 80 year old sage, no you can't.  We are where we are and by having models of growth we can begin to place people in stages and states.  

Anyways.. I don't resonate with it from a personal sense of expression but... big thanks for the opportunity to step to tap back into a part of myself that isn't as active anymore, still their, but not as dominate.  

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Lol, that is his fundamental mistake.

He's running away from himself with his philosophical work. And it's obvious just by looking at his neurotic ticks when he speaks.

This is the problem with academic philosophy. All brains, no consciousness.

The Truth is that there is no difference between inside and outside. But if Zizek would turn within, he'd discover God. Which is a problem for him, since he's an avowed atheist/materialist. So he keeps looking outside, forever lost in his own mind.

@Dwarniel It's a great quote though, as it highlights the problem so starkly.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This is a common orientation. The key terms are "escape", "inner shit" and "outside Truth".

There are many different ways to escape inner shit. A person may escape through alcohol, drugs, sex, video games, sleeping etc. Another form of escape that is often overlooked is by theorizing, by getting "lost" in theory. There is nothing wrong with theorizing, it is the energetic orientation that is the problem. In this case, the orientation is to seek theory as an escape from inner shit. Theorizing can be a form of addiction and avoidance, similar to how alcohol can be an addiction and avoidance. . . . I was at a weekend meditation retreat, sitting on the cushion when some inner "shit" appeared. I thought "No way. Screw that. I'm going into thinking mode". Then the rest of the mediation, I went off into thinking and imagination. After that mediation, I realized thinking was a form of addiction I had to avoid "inner shit". 

There is another orientation in which someone is fully engaged in what they are doing - and that can be creating beautiful theories. Yet here the orientation is to enter realms of creative magnificence, not to "escape inner shit".

I also notice his use of "external truth". This is a justification to quiet an inner voice. Zlizlek did not say "I enjoy recreational theorizing. It allows me to avoid facing inner shit". Deeper down, there can be a still soft voice that knows this is BS and may send some impulses of "we need to work on some inner shit". To repress and quiet that voice, the mind often adds justifications. "I'm engaging in theorizing to find external truth". What a lovely justification to avoid dealing with one's own issues. I did this for years with science. . . It's also similar to someone addicted to alcohol or drugs as an escape saying "I drink to be creative".


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21 hours ago, Yog said:

If you discover a lot of shit inside yourself, you'll discover a lot of shit outside yourself.
If you clean up and accept some of it inside yourself, you'll clean up and accept some of it outside yourself.


The grumpier you are, the more assholes you meet

...But what if the opposite is true?

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I've googled the account and turns out it is a parody account. so he did never really say that.

but you probably knew that and I only pointed out the obvious.?

Edited by Petals

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Guys, please be careful posting misinformation on this forum.

Double check your quotes and source material.

Locking for fake quote.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Unlocking, as the quote seems to have been verified as real.

Who the fuck knows what's real these days? Investigate for yourselves.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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oh, ok. but just using common sense I feel like he couldn't have said that. a) he is a professional philosopher, so it's unlikely that he would say sth as un-nuanced as that. b) he is said to be a psychoanalyst, so he must have a good amount of interest in the psyche and the inner. 

but what do I know??

edit: well, seems like he really said it. maybe precisely because he is a psychoanalyst?

Edited by Petals

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If we tweak the wording a bit, we get:

I do all my work to escape my "self". I don't believe in looking into your "self". If you do this, you just discover a lot of shit. I think what we should do is throw ourselves out of ourselves. The truth is not deep in our "selves". The truth is here right now.

I'm not massively keen on the word "escape" either but you get the idea :)

Edited by Dan502

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14 hours ago, Petals said:

I've googled the account and turns out it is a parody account. so he did never really say that.

but you probably knew that and I only pointed out the obvious.?

It's a fan page that post quotes from his books and interviews (+ memes and other stuff). Love it, followed for a long time. I can't really imagine Zizek tweeting or engaging in social media lol, I get why you thought it was a fake quote. 

...But what if the opposite is true?

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2 hours ago, Petals said:

@Dwarniel sorry, my fault

No worries ?

...But what if the opposite is true?

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Psychoanalysis is foolish. It precisely avoids waking up.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura can you explain that a little bit? I have heard a lot of people talking about psychoanalysis in a positive way. 

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Look, even psychoanalysis can be useful. It all depends on how you use it and what level you want to reach.

I am speaking from the point of reaching absolute understanding of Self and reality. It won't take you there.

Shadow work is useful but it ain't awakening.

Have to be clear about your goals to select the right methods. Sometimes you need shadow work. Sometimes you need nonduality.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Carl Jung even went to India more or less for the purpose of meeting Ramana Maharshi. At the last minute he decided not to go .....

I think he was clear on his goal. He wanted psychoanalysis and not Self-realization.

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