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What To Do If Your Body Move Whiles Meditating By It Self

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Today I had a meditation experience that at some point my body started moving by it self and was swaying left to right. Than it went to very down right and I had to force it to move it back to normal. This also happen a lot in the beginning, when I was meditating for more than 10 mins and it would sway back and forth and sometimes go very close to the ground at a very fast pace. Can someone tell me what it is and if I should stop it or just let it happen. I should also say that this can happen at random and that it starts out slow than speeds up gradually. Sometimes it can do this to one area such as right just sway right up to right down. In this case I have to force my body to go back to normal.    

Edited by PeakPerformance

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@PeakPerformance i hope you are not falling asleep ;-) try keeping your back straight,sit on a chair initially for support let go of control of your thoughts and do nothing. 

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@PeakPerformance usually when you have a strange experience during meditation it's a sign that it's working in developing your concentration and awareness 

but then again you also sound like you're being possessed :D 

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40 minutes ago, Saarah said:

@PeakPerformance usually when you have a strange experience during meditation it's a sign that it's working in developing your concentration and awareness 

but then again you also sound like you're being possessed :D 

hahahaha  i like that saarah

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Sometimes when I close my eyes during meditation my body slightly moves back and forth. But I think the reason for this is that my body wants to balance itself out. Your experience sounds more dramatical.

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Whatchya doin there buddy? Are u reciting some crazy mantra?

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Had a similar situation. It took me years to figure out but I think I finally cracked the code and gained the self awareness when I learned I might be refusing to do something...(inner rebel).

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On 13.6.2016 at 4:04 AM, PeakPerformance said:

Can someone tell me what it is and if I should stop it or just let it happen.

This sometimes happens to me as well. Sometimes just a little bit and other times I think I sit completely lopsided. Basically I guess this happens when my concentration gets so high that my body tenses up and relaxes and by that starts to move. Sometimes I accept it, other times I try to balance it a little bit.

In the beginning I couldn't sit for 10 minutes without rearranging myself - because of pains, these movements and what not. Now, I can mostly sit for 90 minutes w/o moving at all (consciously).

So what can you do? Just follow along, if you feel like moving a bit, do that. If you feel like staying in that position, do that. The later will show you that the body at some point finds its balance again.

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It's possible a combination of weak stabilizing muscles(Lower abs, suboccipitals, and back) and poor sitting posture can cause this. When we shift our positions in day to day life, it's often to relieve muscle fatigue in certain areas. However, there is another possibility. You may unconsciously repress subtle energies in your body during the day and when you sit down to meditate you release the blockages and this is just the natural course of the energy re-circulating through your body. Twitchy kids with ADD can be considered a more extreme version of this. I'd reccomend trying simple tai chi or yoga practice as they can help with both of those problems,

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I think I solve this. The meditations that I was doing was all open-eye. So I basically sat there doing nothing but with my eyes open. And this cause air to hit my eyes, making them watery and tearing up. So I had to narrow my vision to make sure the air wasn't hitting my eyes. Another thing is that the environment was kind of distracting. There's a whiteboard to the upper layer of the wall, than a second wall, a door and sometimes I see a blinking light from electronics or that tiny white dot on the wall, which throws my body off and moves my head to that. Another thing is that I think my body was moving because of the environment or the air I am not sure what causes this. Now with my eyes close, the swaying didn't go away, but it was very little and almost nothing compare to what I experience the day prior to this. Now I could be wrong and I was very lucky today, so I'll update this after 5 close eye meditations.  

Edited by PeakPerformance

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