By Yog
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Hey guys, Its been bugging me for a little while. I've been experiencing visuals along with spontaneous movements that usually start kicking in in after the 20th minute of meditation. I am still not sure how to deal with these. Have you been experiencing these. From time to time I can freak out a little bit because of their intensity, fearing that I will have spontaneous kundalini awakening and fuck myself up..
-The most common visual is blue + orange circular pattern pulsating back from the peripheral mind space to the center of my eyelid space and staying there for few seconds, than repeating. It's been pink/magenta in some cases and there was some green cloudy stuff around the background in some cases. Here is a gif attached of how it looks that I created, its the size, color and timing are approximately right. Sometimes it can be smaller.
-Spontaneous movements can be backward><forward rocking, pivoting from my pelvis, neck or mid torso. I can be clockwise rotating motion pivoting from the same places, hands fingers can shake when in mudra or not, crossed legs can shake upwards>downwards. All this can be more subtle or it can be more violent. Hands usually start buzzing, tongue that is pressed against the roof of the mouth starts buzzing. I know this is just passage of energy, I've worked with energy in the past. But never have I experienced such violent bodily movements.
I researched around, but could not find much.
Does this happen to you guys, if so do you ignore it and let it happen, do you suppress it, give it some focus, or ignore it. I am kind of letting it do its thing, surrender and just observe right now.