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Plato's Cave Parable vs. SPIRAL DYNAMICS

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While I was researching about a bunch of stuff for my exams I noticed how

Platos "Cave Parable" shows a lot of similarities to the "Spiral Dynamics" model from Christopher Cowan. And I also think the "Cave Parable" is really similar to the monomyth "Hero's Journey".


Parallels from Cave Parable and Spiral Dynamics:

-discribing development levels to enlightenment

-showing that everybody needs to go through every stage to find the Truth and get enlightened 

-Not only individuell phenomenon but a whole cultural 'Issue'


Parallel from the "Cave Parable" and the "Hero's Journey" 

-after enlightenment (cave parable)/ and returning from the journey trying to share the things that you learned 



So I could go on and on but I'd like to hear some of your ideas about this:

Do you see the similarities/connection between those models?  Or maybe also some differences?  If so, feel free to share your ideas with me :)


Much love Chichi <3




Edited by Nicachi

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