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After Life

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I would like to challenge the idea of nothingness after life.  According to Leo, afterlife is the same as pre life, nothingness.  This, I think, is based on the lack of information we can recall about pre life.  Inability to remember an experience does not negate the experience.  

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Remembering and experiencing is only for senses. When there is no sense - no body and no brain, what is there to remember? :D 


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True.  Replace the word "experience" with "event"  A tree has no brain but it can 'experience' (be effected by) a fire.

Edited by Bronsoval

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@Bronsoval After life is all depending on your nature of this life. Did Leo say it's nothingness after life? Maybe he meant something else. All physical existences and mental existences are supporting each other and happening together at the same time. For example, your body is changing as well as your mind. When a person is stressful, his body is also affected by his mind and causes illness. Also both body and mind are happening or renewing again and again according to cause and effect nature. If there's a cause, there will be an effect. Every mental state, Buddhist called Nama and physical state will appear at the same time depending on each other. The quality of mind and body must be equal. If not the weaker state will adjust to be equal to the stronger state. For example, if stress level is stronger, body will also turn stressful and weaker. If the mind is happy and full of energy, body will also be energized. Or if the body is very sick, a person will be stressful if his mind isn't strong enough to lift the physical state up. That's the connection between body and mind and how they are supporting each other.

So... when the body is very weak to the point where it cannot continue to renew with mental states or mental state is just to weak or stronger than physical state, a person dies. Because the mental state has to seek another physical body that fits well.  By the way, we also should know that there is no distance or separation in this universe. So don't be thinking how the mind travel. So... as soon as a person dies, his mind will attach to some other physical body that fits well with the nature of the mind. That way, a human can become an animal or human again or something higher in the universe. Christian refers as angel, Buddhism refers to other beings in universe. You're responsible for everything you have now. 


Edited by Khin

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