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Healing Solar Plexus Chakra

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During my recent intense practices in tantra, kundalini and kriya yoga I discovered that I have a serious issue with my solar plexus chakra just to check I also looked at some online tests and it totally showed that all the other chakras are really active and balanced just this one is seriously low. Obviously I am feeling that in many ways not only during my practice.
Does anyone have some good techniques or expertise on healing/opening this specific chakra?
Preferably something that really goes to the root cause and not just temporarily healing it.
Just everything you know about it would be great, of course I'm doing my own research on this but I'm kinda hoping someone has got a head start on this topic.

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  • Doing shit relentlessly, past any tiredness or bullshit excuses of the mind.
  • Being purposeful, focus on your goals and go get it.
  • Take action, massive action.

    Solar Plexus is pure masculine energy, it is acting with purpose demolishing any obstacle, it is just who you are, you don't give up. When you do any task like cleaning your house, do it thoroughly, don't stop until the task is 100% complete, no matter what happens. Usually, we stop at any sign of resistance, the mind is genius at creating excuses (and they even sound reasonable), all sorts of pains, aches, desires and temptations will arise, just don't pay them any attention and keep doing the work until completion. Steve Pressfield talks a lot about it, basically, you have to turn pro and you heal your solar plexus. 

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Thank you, it again really makes a lot sense because these are oftentimes things that I lack or are an issue.
Also working with the pranayama breath of fire, really instantly feeling the muscles getting tired in the area just after a minute of this exercise.

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