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Vivid dreams and their meanings

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When I was a young boy I used to have vivid dreams of being in quick sand and drowning in water or being on a swaying boat then snapping out of the dream because my body would Reinact those dreams in physical form.or wolves hunting me in a forest or chasing me until snap I’m awake and wet the bed until the age of 10. What did th3se dreams mean and what is my destiny? Or http


Edited by louvar

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@louvar you might be better off joining a dream interpretation group on facebook. But don't get too wrapped up in dream meanings, and it takes a true intuitive interpreter to really tell you any meaning. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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17 hours ago, louvar said:

When I was a young boy I used to have vivid dreams of being in quick sand and drowning in water or being on a swaying boat then snapping out of the dream because my body would Reinact those dreams in physical form.or wolves hunting me in a forest or chasing me until snap I’m awake and wet the bed until the age of 10. What did th3se dreams mean and what is my destiny? Or http


Thinking carried through the days which is of the nature of separation, is not transpiring in sleep. Upon awakening, the ‘facade’ of ‘ I am separate’ is resumed, and after awakening in the morning, in hindsight, we call that resuming , a ‘dream’. 



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