
Why did I become a devil?

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Why did I separate myself from god in the first place?

Is there a reason for it? Simply because of selfishness? Or did I come here to fulfill a purpose as a seemingly separate entity?

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To experience yourself as God. Out of Love for yourself.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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So it really was a set up? So lost and confused. Just WTF. 

But IT doesn't stop there. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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You did not become a devil. You were always The Devil, you just didn't know it.

The devil is eternal just as much as God is. They're one and the same. But you'd need to go beyond 'knowledge' for you to 'know' that!

Edited by Lento

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God=One with his Creation. Conciousness. Infinitelly Loving and Good. ❤️ Reality=Dream

Devil - indentification with body and everything that goes with it. Reality=Survival ⬜⬛

Pick your side. It's about You. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Thank you for the replies. More work on it’s way to realize that ??

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3 hours ago, Identity said:

Why did I separate myself from god in the first place?

Is there a reason for it? Simply because of selfishness? Or did I come here to fulfill a purpose as a seemingly separate entity?

When you are dreaming, why do you create a dream character that you identify as?

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If you were an author writing a book and you couldn't identify with any of the characters while writing them, then why bother write a story at all? 

You have a purpose as every character in every story has a purpose. But you exist as a fictional part of the author's psyche. You are in truth, the author. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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18 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

When you are dreaming, why do you create a dream character that you identify as?

to experience?   to forget?  lol this is a real heavy topic in my dream work right now.  And its not even like its a conscious choice, but just happens naturally and seamless

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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6 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

to experience?   to forget?  lol this is a real heavy topic in my dream work right now.  And its not even like its a conscious choice, but just happens naturally and seamless

You are on to something juicy. . . 

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@Serotoninluv Except the once that I stepped into a dream from being awake and could not really find a transition from body to dream body. No choices were made, and nothing was created (consciously by me) and yet here I am (or here is an experience of) stepping into a window which has appeared in the darkness. Nothing was forgotten... until a few minutes later when I lost lucidity 9_9

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@Serotoninluv @Identity Was just reading this.... thought it seemed relevant :P 

Genesis 1:1:

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

The first mistake people often make in reading this verse is to consider the words “heaven” and “earth” as literally the globe we live on and the idea that heaven is a physical location out there somewhere. Divorce your mind of that idea. The kingdom of heaven is within you, and you are the earth. But what does this mean? Heaven and earth universally symbolize spirit and matter. The true you is a spirit having a material existence. “Heaven” and “earth” are simply terms to help the intellect grasp the unfoldment of the ONE abiding reality, which is neither spirit nor matter. In ancient philosophical terms, spirit is active while matter is receptive. Think of spirit as energy, and matter as lifeless form that is receptive to this energy. Matter is simply the vehicle of form, which is ultimately illusory because it is subject to change.The spirit side of God is masculine / male, while the feminine aspect of God is female / receptive. They are both eternal. Matter receives spirit, and life commences through a spirit-matter interaction, the first Logos (consciousness). Spirit must have a body / mother / matter / earth to experience through. 

Genesis 1:3:

“And God said, let there be light: and there was light.”

 In verses one and two, the unmanifest, unconscious, and impersonal Absolute (God) has begun the process of it’s own self-realization. How does this self-realization of its potential become actual? Through his right hand (symbolizing power and potential becoming actual), which is also the New Testament concept of Christ. Light, God’s light, symbolizes the dawn of self awareness or individual human consciousness. This was in the philosophical mind of the writer of the Gospel of John when he states, “In him was life, and that life (individual consciousness) was the light of men.” It is the spark of individuality, which must be built up through the experiences on each plane of existence (expanding its sphere of realization), through the physical (senses, sensations), the emotional (feelings), the mental (thoughts), the spiritual (intellect allied with intuition, wisdom and love), and finally, the fullness of Christ where he becomes all in all, in us. And this act of light symbolizes the impersonal God becoming personal as a self-aware, conscious soul through mankind.


Genesis 1:27:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

What does it mean to be created in the image of God, both male and female? We are not speaking of literal sexes. Rather, the male-female principle which is found in nature of the lower planes is a reflection of the higher nature found on the upper planes in a spiritual sense. Male / female signifies spirit-matter, love-wisdom, mind-emotion, and intellect-intuition. Being created male / female in the image of God is the higher nature ruling completely over the lower nature. This ONENESS becomes dual when Adam and Eve partake of the tree of knowledge and become physical beings outside of the Garden. The mind becomes split, dual, and the mind and emotions, even intellect and intuition, are separate. 

God tells man to have dominion over all creatures of the earth. Remember, the earth is us, and all the living things in the earth are within us. We must have dominion over the lower nature where all these creatures are symbolic of thought, emotion, sensation, desire, etc. Many Christians have taken this verse to mean we are to literally rule over all animals. Try to tell a polar bear, lion, great white shark, or whale what to do. You can’t. The only power you have over them is your intellect, which can make or build things to contain animals or kill them. But even animals are a part of the human soul, and your physical evolution upon this earth was dependent on them. American Indians understood this truth, and they called animals their brothers, for which they had great respect. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance In a sense, I like the idea that bronze age people may have had awakenings and contemporary people are trying to see higher wisdom in ancient scripture. Yet this type of thing is way too indirect for me - there are too many interpretive steps and filters. It’s like driving hours in a storm on icy roads to reach a destination when the destination is across the street. 

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Who told you you were separate?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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If you don't separate, how can you become enlightened if there's no reference point(your perspective right now) to become enlightened from?

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Enlightenment is recognizing there is no separate individual called ME.

There isn't one now.

So the one that thinks it's going to become enlightened literally Falls away.. and it's simultaneously recognized to have never existed ?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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24 minutes ago, Identity said:

@VeganAwake I did ?

Who is I?

Is this sense of I inside the body?

What is it made of?

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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You didn't..... You only think you did and believe it to be so.


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