
Kratom -Trip Report-

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This is my first “trip” report so be nice. ;)


I bought a pack of Kratom powder from an online vendor, since the plant itself is legal in my country (although the mitragynine is not) I thought I might aswell try it. 


About a week later two black ziplocks of Red Borneo and Maeng Da came in my letterbox.


Since I quickly realized that pouring this powder from a zip would be really clumsy I put it in a tea container for future use. Take it from me, this stuff is like dust, hold your breath while you pour it up so you dont cause a sandstorm in your kitchen. 


To be cautious I did an allergy test first by taking a miniscule amount, the size of a pea and drank that in water before anything else, Im allergic to cut grass, you never know, right? No negative reaction, perfect.


Experiment 1: 

2 teaspoons, I flattened or scraped off the heap of powder with a knife to make sure I actually got the right amount. I put the stuff in a glass of water and had a taste, not too bad, thought it would be worse, it tastes like grass and the consistency is a bit like dirt or sand, all the horror stories I heard about the foul taste were greatly exagerrated. About an hour later I felt a little spacey, sort of like mental tunnel vision, I could focus on whatever I was doing really well but I wasnt hyped, just calm, no bliss or ecstatic pleasure. 

Two hours later, its hard to focus on my computer now, I dont care about what Im watching, Im zoning out alot, every 10 minutes, its like a camera lens shifting focus, it feels really good, still calm, albeit more sleepy, I kind of like this but I could definitely do more.


Experiment 2: 

4 teaspoons, took longer to kick in this time, still the same spacey feeling as before. Two hours later, I feel really calm now, my mind is pretty sharp, Im plastered to my couch, the more couchlocked I am the better I feel, my legs feel really good if I keep them still and focus mindfully on them. My mind is pretty quiet, would be cool to meditate with this if you wouldnt become so sleepy.

I like this, I should do more some other day. Its not exactly Nirvana but its pretty cool. 


Next morning: 

My breath smells like dog-shit, apparently Kratom breath is a thing, my stomach feels a bit queasy, Ill wait a couple days to do this until I feel better again. Ive read that Kratom can be hard on the liver for certain individuals. Safety first. 


Experiment 3:

5 Teaspoons, I know the drill, just wait for it to kick in and peace is round the corner, except... it really doesnt kick in... Two hours later, spacey... Its uncomfortable to stand up... I feel dizzy and Im usually never dizzy, I guess this is what the call the wobbles. No feelings of intense pleasure, just kind of nervous and chill at the same time... Six hours later I go to sleep, Its reaaallyy hard, I keep waking up all the time, my arm feels like its floating just as I wake up for the tenth time again, weird uncomfortable semi-lucid feeling, nobody told me about this phase, I pass out at 3 or 4. 


I came to the conclusion that the tiny amount of relaxation I get is not worth the weird sleep, bad breath and general queasiness I get from the huge amounts of difficult-to-digest plant matter I have to drink, so that concludes my Kratom journey. I threw away my Maeng Da as I have no more use for Kratom, I will try anything once though, except for Datura??‍♀️. 

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I cant stand the red strand it's to "dirty " feeling and sedative the white strands are uplifting and clean feeling  

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1 hour ago, MAYA EL said:

I cant stand the red strand it's to "dirty " feeling and sedative the white strands are uplifting and clean feeling  

Perhaps... But I have no real interest in it anymore, it was a nice little experiment. Which white strain do you like?

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8 hours ago, MAYA EL said:

I cant stand the red strand it's to "dirty " feeling and sedative the white strands are uplifting and clean feeling  

Lol I actually  like it backwards,  can't stand the stimulation side from kratom. Of course  its dirty since its an opiod feeling haha

Anyways I don't know even the reason of this post. Kratom is definitely not useful for consciousness practices so... I don't  OP why he posted this. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Doesn't sound like it helps improve one's life or consciousness honestly. 

I heard associates talk about Kratom during my time in graduate school, but after some research, it sounded like a cheap opioid. And I feel that anyone ingesting opioids besides for legitimate pain management is asking for trouble. At the very least, one would be inviting laziness and lethargy into their life.

I would not want that for myself.



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Kratom isn't really a consciousness enhancer its a mind/body primer or used to do certain tasks for me. Helped me so much with pain and makes low intensity workouts/movement play extremely enjoyable. Can feel the mechanics of my body better. But it does make me very empathetic and sociable so I can connect with people a lot deeper. Although I do use it before meditation or other consciousness practices at certain times. A clear focused mind does make a difference for consciousness work. 

Never heard or experienced kratom breath, seems like you just experienced your foul morning breath which is totally normal. 

Its also good to make sure you get it from a quality vendor, one that is certified not to contain any heavy metals or other toxins. Also fun fact tumeric/black pepper/grapefruit/citrus juice potentiates the effect. And the healthier your diet and more active you are the better your body handles it. Once I optimized my diet I never experienced any kratom headaches/nausea or withdrawals/strong urges to use it. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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please lock this thread, mods, its old 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Kratom is not to be played with and... nobody will listen to this. You might as well be discussing responsible use of hydrocodone. Unless you have chronic pain and simply need it for whatever reason, kratom use is just opioid use — recreational drug use. Nothing wrong with that but anyway... kratom is addictive, even if tolerance builds slower than with traditional opioids, it still builds and builds, and will eventually produce opioid withdrawal.

Edited by The0Self

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