
Collective behavior

11 posts in this topic

Do groups of the same level in SD act collectively as a lower level?  

E.g.  can a group of greens act as a green all the way or they would inevitably act orange or even red without realizing it? 

Consider the radical left today and how they act tribal as an example. 


Edited by sultan_zayed

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i don't think that. I think they act collectively as their level dictates.

Like stage blue people radiates stage Blue values. It is lower in terms of consciousness than orange, so they act  in accordance with that. Same goes for every other stages.

But i do believe in "echoing" effect. A band of stage blue can create deafness as they voice the same concerns. So it can create a blind spot for them, therefore creating evil on a massive scale. On the other hand, more developed stage like yellow, when they come together can create greater good.

PS - i think radical left is still better then the radical right.

Edited by Annoynymous

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Sometimes when blues and oranges judge greens, they do it from they point of view. They have not transcended their stages yet, so they can only judge from where they are. Blues may think greens are very tribals and oranges may think greens are only after the money, surprise, that's where they are. Not to talk about reds, they accuse greens of being violent.

Not saying all greens are saints, they have their own flaws and sometimes they may indeed behave like stages below. But just be careful about some stuff you read out there about them, a lot are just projections.

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@sultan_zayed This was something I was mulling over today. People definitely congeal to the stages of people around them.Essentially getting dragged down. Survival in a nutshell. However this isn't a rule. Some individuals are starved of individuals who match their sd level in their immediate environment and will as a result "go dormant" and interact in a manner just to get by while still holding onto the tenants of their sd level in their head. They might not necessarily drop levels but will not be exhibiting their traits to their full potential due to lack of conductivity they can be experiencing with someone of similar understanding in their intimidate surrounding. 

Many of us are blessed/cursed to have been brought up the spiral with the help Leo, only to be pulled away from where we once were and not have a means of connectivity with prior peers. Being more alone is a sacrifice you make to evolve.You are tasked to either step up and become a beacon like Leo for others to grow from or completely isolate yourself and remain stuck. I'm currently part of the latter group as I'm a coward who fears repercussion for being %100 honest and bold about who I am. 


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@sultan_zayed   I'm a fan of the idea that we never lose our representation within any of the stages, they are nested.  Also, the colors are meant to be identifiers in a broad sense in practice it is more of an phasing or an amalgamation of traits that trend in favoritism towards some representation.   Even within the political parties there is plenty of division in expression and it is noted as being far left or far right back towards moderate with all kinds of expressions in between.  Someone can be socially liberal and fiscally conservative, all kinds of breeds.

Again, I tend to favor this idea that we never "transcend" a stage or state in the sense that we leave it, it gets nested and we can access anytime we like or a stimulated into its framework.  

I see myself acting out all the states and stages within my conscious access for the rest of my life and i don't have any shame in that.  My desire is to move towards unity and I will do my best but i submit to the will of what must be done, all things in time..  wait is time  still a thing we consider hehe consciousness joke... 

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I want to elaborate a bit my thoughts about the spiral stages, after reading the last two comments, because I think they both make really good points.

@RickyBalboa I think what you say happen a lot to greens, because even in developed countries, the majority of people are still in blue - orange and so the governments and politicians they choose, at least we live in democracies, to give us some credit. So these governments establish the frame with the laws and rules where we all live and sometimes there is no escaping that. It's a bit frustrating for greens, they honestly think a lot of stuff they propose would help us to live better as a society, avoid unncecesary suffering and they don't understand how others don't see it like they do. Happens a lot  about environmental issues, honestly, a lot of what greens say is reasonable, but they aren't able to connect with people stages below.

@RevoCulture What you say is also important, most countries or societies are not in just one stage, but in different ones. A lot of economically orange organizations are open enough to include more modern inclusive green ideas, for example. Of course this applies to people too, one person can be in different stages for different aspects in his life. There is probably one predominat stage, but almost nobody would be purely one, I don't think that's how the spiral dynamics model works either.

I would say I'm mostly green, have been for years and have experienced the frustration I was talking about before, among other things. I don't think I'm totally done with orange, neither with blue yet, there is value on those stages too and apparently they are steps in the same ladder that should be taken. Perhaps I'm starting to grasp a bit of yellow too, getting to know this model seems a big resource for that and I think it can bring some kind of serenity, I understand better people is just where they are supposed to be, as I am too. But I'm not going to rush it, I'm still integrating and enjoying some green aspects and I'm fine with that. Maybe I'm wrong, making self inquiry can be tricky, but this is what i think.

Edited by Hatfort

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@Hatfort :D

Bravo.. Clap Clap.. Enjoyed the read Hatfort!  

Thanks for sharing, delicious and nutritious, soul food. 


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"I'm currently part of the latter group as I'm a coward who fears repercussion for being %100 honest and bold about who I am."

I am not a fan of negating people's experience or expression.  I like to acknowledge the space they are in and say.... AND.. in addition to that... 

So I can relate to your humble and vulnerable sharing, thank you for that.. AND.. in addition to that..

Is it possible that when you learn something, see something, start to become something new and it changes the conscious fabric of your being that there is an awkward period of adjustment... you gotta figure out what is this new thing, how do I feel, what does it mean, where do i fit in now.. what do I do..   

Life was all in order, my friends, my daily routine, my perspective... and now... everything has been shuffled.. I am not the same person, I don't fit in the same way I once did, people don't understand me, I don't know if i want to participate in the things i once did..

If you have engaged in this process you may feel like a coward when you think of what needs to still be done.. but I assure you... you my friend are the exact opposite of what a coward is.  you have left the herd, you have venture out beyond what the programming of society has offered, you are a pioneer, you are brave and bold.. you are a seeker... don't confuse the weight, the moments of loneliness, the despair that can come in waves as cowardly.. it is part of the process and you have the right to feel proud...  You don't have to explain yourself, no need to convince anyone else as a form of reassurance.. they can be themselves and you can be you.. it is ok to go with their flow.. who you are at your core is going to vibrate into the space, the way you carry yourself, the reality you see and carry in your heart is going to affect everyone around you.. no verbal convincing needed..  and along the way you will find your tribe.. you will get situated... and the dark feelings will come and go as they do for all of us seekers... you have this forum if you need someone to hear you out.. connect in the struggle..   Peace.. we family.. in this together..  

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Leo did a good elaboration on this in this video:
There is also a cool chart. I am going to re-watch it :)

People can be at different levels of development in different areas of themselves. Lets say in moral or cognitive development.

Edited by Yog

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@RevoCulture You are right. On all your points. I know because I have come to the same conclusions. The only thing in my way of living consciously with all those points in mind is programming myself to know them to be true without falling deeply into fear. Fear is the the force that uproots all of the points you have made, requring me to replant them and nurture them consistently. Thank you for reminding me of all those things. I will try my best to cultivate them and nurse them into an active process in my life! Thanks friend

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