
Advice on Grounding

5 posts in this topic

Hi guys, 

I am no longer able to meditate and operate well at work. Even after one 20 min session my mind becomes very spaced out and logical thinking is very difficult. I find it hard to focus on simple conversations. I also had a few close calls in the car - just doing stupid things which is completely out of character. Had a few clumbsy accidents as well.  It feels like I have too much energy in the head. 

I have stopped meditation for around six months now and the situation in daily life is much improved(perhaps not completely though). 

To give some background, I did around a year of breath meditation focusing on the nostrils. I then did a further 4 years of daily mantra meditation using the advanced yoga practices method. I also did some pranayama. 

I spent the last 6 months just reading lots and i’m pretty keen to get into Culadasa’s The Mind Illuminated method if I can sort out my problem. I have a family to think about and i’m not really at a stage where I would just say fuck it all and do whatever it takes to try and awaken. I’m not even sure awakening is what i’m looking for anymore after reading things on this forum and various books but I still feel a strong pull towards meditation and spirituality. 

Just wondering if anyone else has hit a bit of a dead end due to energetic symptoms? I’d particularly like to hear from anyone who has come out the other side and what they did in order to overcome energy problems(assuming this is what is wrong!). Thanks. 





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You should consider sticking to one system of practice. If you combine the practices from different teachers different books it's high risk for trouble.

You can have various practices in you collection but they have to flow with eatch other. 

In my experience almost everything that comes from different teachers doesn't flow in harmony. I start to get headaches very fast after a few days. You need a single system/teacher that is teaching all meditation, energy practices, pranayama from a single source. Then there won't be any side effects. 

Really even combining something simple like vipasana with self-inquiry doesn't work. Because one is attracting one kind of energy another is attracting another kind of energy, your life energy gets very diorianted. It may not be very noticable for beginners but advanced meditators pick up on that very fast. Someone like you who has few years of meditation practice should be able to feel it easily.

Plus there are karmic reasons not to mix practices from different sources but that is more dificult to understand right now.

Hope something will resonate with you in this.

Good luck :)

Sadhguru on why not to mix practices



Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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7 hours ago, Rod said:

Just wondering if anyone else has hit a bit of a dead end due to energetic symptoms? I’d particularly like to hear from anyone who has come out the other side and what they did in order to overcome energy problems(assuming this is what is wrong!). Thanks. 


Engage in the world. Physical exercise, converse with others, engage in the family and Mindfulness techniques might help bringing your attention back to the sensations of the body.

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Thank you for the replies. 


@Salvijus I may have not made it clear in the post but I wouldn’t say i’ve really been mixing practices. I did a year of meditation with the breath and had a long break from doing anything. I then began practicing yogani’s methods with mantra meditation, pranayama and some other practices that all fall under the same teacher and methods. I suspect I took on too many practices too quickly but like a lot of newbies I was probably sceptical that any of this stuff actually worked let alone could lead to problems if you over do it. 

The original mantra meditation that I used regularly now leads to energetic problems after only 5 mins so I am not really in a position to follow the same teacher anymore as this is the core practice. That’s why I have been looking for something else but I’m also very wary about overdoing(lesson learned!). 

However, what you say sounds reasonable and good to know for the future. 

@WelcometoReality I would say I already do all the things you mention except for the mindufullness. Feel free to expand on that if you have the time. Cheers. 

Anyone else in the forum that can comment on energetic problems after practicing for a while? 

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@Rod You got chi sickness bro. While meditating or doing energy work keep your tongue slightly pressed against the roof of your mouth so energy can move freely. Like this. You can do this while you are gliding trough your daily life, its a good habit.

About grounding, just get physical and in the present moment, when eating focus on the taste, texture, look at the details in the food, when jogging or working out feel your skin, body, breath, feel your steps against the ground, when walking , just  focus solely on the steps, feel how heavy you are against the earth when standing, maybe do some gardening, do something with your hands, draw, paint, clean, wash. Be an observer and give your best not to get lost in thoughts, you need to observe the present moment while being physical as much as possible. This makes your root chakra blossom.

Fear and disorientation should shortly disappear after doing an hour or less of this. At least in my case.

On the other hand I've been having some strong and weird energetic symptoms that I still don't have any clue how to deal with. I can stop ofc, but I decided to play along, for now.


Edited by Yog

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