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An example of how the ego flips the truth

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A funny example of how JP`s fanboys flip the truth in order to match their ego. I don`t judge, I was there, but this one is amazing. Compassion is bad bro :))Untitled.png

Edited by Alexop

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Feeling compassion isn’t bad. Compassion is evidence that we’re connected. We feel the pain of others which makes us want to help them. The problem is feeling “sorry”. Most people mistake feeling sorry/pity and feeling compassion. JP says it’s not helpful to feel sorry or pity for someone else, because it’s like you’re belittling the person and denying that they’re strong enough. Feeling COMPASSION is a different story, though. I don’t think JP lacks compassion as it seems like he’s genuinely trying to help people. He doesn’t feel sorry or pities anyone, and I think that’s a good thing. When I’m going through tough times I’d rather have someone tell me I’m strong enough than someone who will feel “sorry” for me and add fuel to my sorrow.


I don’t agree with everything JP says. I’ve read his book “12 rules for life” and there’s many things I don’t agree with, but also many things I do agree with. I’m even thinking of posting something here with all the valuable spiritual points JP makes in his book.


and I think there’s healthier ways that JP could express himself... I mean, I’m far from being a JP fanboy (although I once was), but now I can see through many things he says... But, then again, I wouldn’t throw away everything he says because some things are valuable. 

Edited by blankisomeone

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I agree with you, JP has also good parts. That masculine approach on personal development, kind of aggressive but it helps some people who need a harsh boost. I was saying once he is stage yellow, but after watching more of his speeches... I`d rather say more orange than yellow. Yes, he is not simple minded, but he needs more empathy and sensibility. Yellow embodies green, I don`t feel any green in him. My opinion tough.

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