
3.5g Trip Report

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My awareness is thicc.

I feel like a poet without the poetic abilities.

How can I possibly share the intimacy between I & I. 

Most of my trips these days just bring me back to one thing.... Awareness. 

Its the only answer I receive which doesn't answer much. 

I am becoming more and more thirstier

its like I've 'outgrown' low to moderate doses of mushrooms.

My 'grip' on the trip is so firm that I am left un-perplexed. 

At least half a dozen of my previous trips have been.... unappetizing.... Not a lot I can digest & internalize. 

No more juicy insights, no more utter mindfuckery, no more paradigm shifts

Just a serene presence & a firm knowing

With all the meditation I do, My sense of self keeps becoming stronger & stronger. 

I cannot seem to surrender totally but I've never had this much awareness & presence.

I am intuiting that I need a change of substance. 



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Nice work brother. The spiritual path will guide your way. You’re here. A good place. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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